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Thursday, 6 June 2013

How to Take Help Without Weakening Your Muscles

Drug testing is all about giving you quality information about your employees so that you can make informed decisions about who to hire, who to retain, and who to let go.

Sometimes, one of your employees will have the “I can do it myself” mentality. They will seek to get the job done all on their own, because they believe that if they do it with help from someone else, that that means that they are weak or something.

Unfortunately, this mentality is the kind which can lead to being easily overwhelmed, not wishing to admit that they are wrong about the above assumption, and they may end up resorting to drugs or alcohol to help them feel more powerful and more in control of their lives.

Employee drug testing, like the administration of oral fluid drug tests or alcohol tests, shows us that often the individuals who need the most help are the ones who do not ask for any. Now, this is not just true in the workplace. It is true in every part of life, and we would do well to remember this before being stubborn about who does what when and how. You must be able to keep perspectives on how your life is run.

There will definitely be times when you cannot handle what you cannot handle. There is just no way around it. However, if someone else can give you help, information, or just moral support, then it can go a long way to easing you into new experiences and ground on which you are very uncertain. 

In your business, you will inevitably have to perform employee drug testing. We here at CMM Technology recommend that you use our breathalyser recalibration service, as well. We know that you probably have alcohol tests of your own, and we can recalibrate your alcohol breathalyser devices. In addition to this, we provide urine drug tests and  saliva drug tests, like our ToxSure saliva drug test. Do not worry about your employees being tested. Being fit for duty means taking help without weakening your muscles. Call us today at: (+61) 1300 79 70 30.

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Wednesday, 5 June 2013

High School and the Mini Civilization

High school is necessary for many people to leave their childhood behind and to learn why they must interact with civilization out in the real world. In this close, somewhat protected environment of new adults, they create their own mini civilization and carry out important duties which they will be using out in the real world.

There is “keeping up with the Jones’.” There is student government. There are debates and well thought out arguments. There are competitions, both sporting and academic. There are business transactions, both legitimate bake sale ones and illegitimate drug deals.

Coming into high school from earlier schools and combining everything into this instantaneous universe, many kids feel isolated, cut off from the rest, in over their heads, and thoroughly overwhelmed. That is, by everything except the stoners. The druggies always make you feel welcome and at home with yourself. They always put a positive spin on things because they are high a great deal of the time they are in class.

Of course, no kid wants to choose to “zone out,” but the temptation is high when their stress levels and pressures from school and home are through the roof. Not every kid can handle the same thing at the same time. 

When compared to nothing BUT pressure, taking the edge off really does not seem that bad. Employee drug testing is necessary today, because the transition can be this clean. The knife can go in this smoothly.

Drug test equipment is not part of a vast scheme to “take away all the fun.” It’s part of a vast scheme to have living breathing humans in your office and on your jobsite, rather than mindless, unproductive zombies. That is a rare thing to find if you look at the majority of your lower level employees. If they are not ambitious college graduates, they may not be as clear on what their direction should be in life or at work. Oral fluid drug tests and urine drug test can reveal that this confusion is not just skin deep. They are still swimming in an ocean of gray, where everything is conveniently the same.

Join reality, and see just how different things can be. Call CMM Technology today: (+61) 1300 79 70 30.

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Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Happily Ever After

In the fairy tale world, there are so many things that seem beyond our touch. Sometimes, our relationships with other humans seem to be so mottled that even the “happily ever after” in the fairy tale universe seems to be out of our reach, too.

This is not the case, however. There are so many things which humans test each other on. They fall apart and come together in a wide variety of scenarios. The entire process is called interacting with other humans, but really it seems to be a kind of 17th Century dance, if you think about it. 

Happily ever after can be achieved in this lifetime, and seems more possible if you look at it as this kind of dance which temporarily breaks humans apart and brings them back together. The movement of the bodies in these old dance steps really shows the flow of maturity and human intelligence in the society of Old England and the former days of France. 

Human interactions must continue in the modern day office and jobsite. As with all interactions, there are temporary spats, breaking apart, coming together, and reorganizing of everyone involved. 

The trick is to stabilize the workplace environment as much as possible, and that means leaving out employees who bring an undue amount of drama with them, particularly those who are dependent upon drugs or alcohol. Their influence is too far reaching and too destructive to be ignored. That is why CMM Technology is called upon to distribute drug test kits and alcohol breathalysers to businesses all over Australia. We aim to help you determine who among your staff is fit for duty, and who is not. Things like oral fluid drug tests, as well as urine drug tests, are aimed at helping you read your employees on a less personal, but more accurate, level. If anyone is abusing substances, the drug test equipment from CMM Technology will help you find out about it. Then, you can deal with this information however you see fit. 

The most important thing to remember about this is that you are in control. Truly, a happily ever after scenario: (+61) 1300 79 70 30.

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