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Monday, 30 June 2014

CMM Technology and the Art of the Screening Test

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
Here at CMM Technology, we know that you are in a position of responsibility when you take care of your employees and their health. After all, as owner or manager of your business, you are responsible for making sure that your workers are safe while on the jobsite. There might even be a lot about it, somewhere. All joking aside, the art of the screening test means that you need to make sure that the drug test equipment you use to evaluate your employees is good quality and highly functional. It means that you need to know what kind of results you are getting when you use our data to evaluate your employees. It should be reliable data, like ours is.

Of course, there are many drug test equipment suppliers in Australia, but none as dedicated to the level of high quality in their equipment as we are in ours. Also, we know that price can be a factor, and so we put a lot of emphasis on the combination of a reasonable price and high quality breathalyser devices and drug test kits, like our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6. We know that, when it comes to employee drug testing, you may be also looking for quantity (if you are a large business) as well as quality. We can accommodate that, as well. In addition to that, we also provide a high quality recalibration service for your current or future breathalyser devices.

Now, if you are looking to implement screening tests in your business, then remember that not everyone is able to do employee drug testing on a regular basis. However, we are fairly confident on our abilities to make sure you have what you need, when you need it, for a fair price. If you think that this is something that you are looking for, then give CMM Technology a call. We can provide different kinds of equipment and supplies, as well as our aforementioned recalibration service. We know that you want both quality and quantity. Leave it in our hands.

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Friday, 27 June 2014

Cold Practicalities in Our World

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
We have a lot of seemingly cold, inhuman practices in our world, but the truth is that many of those practices are based upon human needs. For example, it may seem cold at first to ignore dead bodies at the scene of a natural disaster, but in reality, it is far more productive to try to find any survivors rather than to bury the dead bodies right away. There is a practicality to the order of action taken, and it serves a very real purpose.

Sometimes, it is necessary to perform practical tasks which have a functional purpose, rather than going with our feelings or preferences. Sometimes, there is more benefit in function than in emotional release, at least temporarily. Now, in the end, emotional release will need to be dealt with, effectively and thoroughly. However, when it comes to the needs of the current situation, practicality wins over everything else.

Our world needs businesses which are able to employ happy, healthy, clear headed workers. However, some employees engage in drug or alcohol abuse, and this makes the whole structure weaker, because their disease and mental attitudes win out over the positive attitudes of several people around them. Even positive people can be easily drug down into the mud through influence.

Now, today, we have drug testing programs and companies which assist you with these programs. Also, we have companies like CMM Technology which provide you with drug test equipment and breathalyser alcohol tests. This means that you can have onsite drug testing without the inconvenience and hassle of sending your employees to a laboratory. Therefore, we ask you to look at the cold practicality of this system. Employees may not enjoy being screened for drugs, but practically speaking, your job is to protect them while they work for your business. Employee drug testing using our saliva drug test and urine drug tests is the only solution for this problem. You must be well informed. Without that, you will not find yourself capable of making truly objective decisions. Give in to your practical nature and look at the drug test equipment that CMM Technology provides for you.

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Thursday, 26 June 2014

Is There A Way Out?

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
If you have ever been under the influence of alcohol or drugs for a very long time, then you know how important it is to get out of that habit as quickly as possible. The more you fall in to it, the harder it is to get out of it.
Is there a way out?

When everything turns dark, can you escape? Is there just a better version of where you are, or can you actually become good and competent and well off and emotionally mature like other people you’ve seen?

The truth is that anything is possible. If you fight for yourself, remember that there is no one who is better qualified to fight for you than you. And remember, also, that you are the one person who is worth fighting for the most. No one can give you better love than yourself, and no one can receive your own love better than yourself.

Yes, there is a way out.

When you show up to work and your boss has employee drug testing in progress, don’t shy away from it. Take responsibility for your own actions and step up to the plate. In this manner, you can work and fight and love and do everything for yourself, which is what would have kept you away from drug abuse or alcoholism in the first place.

CMM Technology specializes in drug testing in Western Australia. We carry urine drug tests that have adulterant tests built right in. Such is the case with our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6. We are NATA accredited for breathalyser recalibration service. We have lots of good drug test equipment and alcohol tests in stock. We believe in you and your business. Keep your employees safe and well screened. Keep your company safe by protecting its assets in a potential lawsuit. Provide documentation by using proper, standard drug test equipment from CMM Technology. Don’t worry about what the results will be. Sufficient unto the day is the trouble thereof. Instead, focus on running your business well, learning how to use your new drug test kits.

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Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Scars of Adults, Belief of Children

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
In every major religion, adults are cautioned to see the world through the eyes of a little child. It is in the both testaments of the Bible, it is strongly taught in Atheism, Agnosticism, and in most Pagan belief systems. The principle behind this is NOT in making yourself naïve or helpless, but rather in seeing the world through a fresh approach, where nothing is impossible, and where the world is full of wide possibilities, instead of fears and doubts which come from the scars of adults.

In fact, many children bring a certain clarity and grounded mindset to the minds of adults, and this is why many parents say that their kids teach them more than they teach their kids. It is a renewing of the mental processes which occurs when each new generation grows and becomes strong and resilient. This is of course very important when you look at how certain strong and creative individuals quickly rise through your company. They always have the proper mindset to see the world with clarity and with creative functions, rather than through old, time rotten principles which may or may not be obsolete by now.

When you are running your business, you have only true fallible object and those are the people with whom you work. Every human being is potentially flawed, although not in the way that we always think. To that end, CMM Technology has continued our company in the progress of drug testing kits and alcohol test, and we have received accreditation from NATA for our breathalyser recalibration service, which services all types of alcohol tests, not just the ones which we sell.

It is therefore very important that you understand that our oral fluid drug tests, like our famous Alere DDS2 (with reader) saliva drug test, are especially picked by our team of experts to be sold by us, rather than every piece of testing equipment on the market. As you can see, we are being wise, not naïve, and we believe in the power and growth of our client businesses, rather than expecting the worst.

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Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Prepare the Meat and Bread

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
Preparing meat and bread is considered a homemaker task today. However, even in Biblical times (whether or not you believe in the Bible), men and women both contributed to the preparation of the meat and bread. The men often contributed by slaughtering the meat animals and preparing the meat, roasting it, carving it, and getting it ready for food, while the women prepared the bread using homemade yeasty chemical reactions and home baking knowledge to get it ready as a compliment to the meat.

While each gender may have divided up the task in their own way, there was still a very prevalent equality in the sexes when it came to division of the labor within the home and within an encampment.

In life, we are meant to find a way for every person to know all parts of a job, even if he or she only specializes in part of the job. This is true in business, where education counts for a lot, because knowing something about all parts of your chosen profession helps you to interact with your coworkers more effectively, knowing something about their jobs and responsibilities. However, with all of this in mind, you are still specializing in your particular job for that business. It is pretty much to be expected that your specific job may not remain the same throughout your career, but that you will be asked to fulfill specific tasks all across individual businesses.

CMM Technology takes this a step further. We bring the process of specialized labor division right to your worksite, regarding employee drug testing. Our drug test equipment is perfect for drug testing with onsite drug testing, like our sister company provides. We also have NATA accredited breathalyser recalibration services. We are proud of our equipment, which ranges from Alere DDS2 (with reader) saliva drug test to Lifeloc FC10 individual breathalyser device. Oral fluid drug tests are really popular these days, and we hope that you find it helpful to implement our drug test kits into your employee drug testing program, no matter how your division of labor works out. It is part of what makes your business, as a whole, be more than the sum of its parts.

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Monday, 23 June 2014

Self Awareness

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
When you are self aware, then you not only understand the world around you, but you also understand your place in the world. You know that your fate is not determined by the thoughts or actions of other people, but that it is determined by your own choices and your own thoughts.

Buddhism is part of the relaxation of the mind, which then is able to let go of its fear and determination to suffer, and see the world for how it really is, the solution being right in front of us the whole time.

Self awareness is part of our connection to the truth, despite what appearances may temporarily suggest. If your awareness is strong enough, then you don’t have to rely just upon outward information. You can also learn to really rely upon your own sense of self and what you know to be true, again, despite outward appearances or seeming disjointed information.

Drug testing equipment is one of those things which also gets down to the truth of the matter. You may think that one of your employees would never abuse drugs or alcohol, but you never know for sure unless you regularly implement drug and alcohol screening. Employee drug testing is important and, almost as important, are the drug test kits and alcohol test which go along with this screening process. You must be able to bring up accurate results and this is only assured if you use high quality drug testing like you would have through CMM Technology. We provide you with the good quality drug test equipment, and this is part of protecting your business.

How can you be aware enough to make good decisions for your business if you don’t first know who may or may not be even following company policy? Put safety and the welfare of your employees first. Decide to bring awareness to a whole new level by using high quality drug test equipment from CMM Technology. Only then can you really decide upon a good course of action for any individual who is working for you. To place an order or to ask us a questions.

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Friday, 20 June 2014

Drug Cartels and Work Employment

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
If you know anything about drug cartels, you know that it is not only a very dangerous and life threatening business, but that it also employs thousands of people who would otherwise not have jobs, homes, or the ability to bring in food for themselves. For this reason, drug cartels are still in operation today. You would think that, if country’s wanted to reduce their violence, they would get rid of the cartels! However, that is not possible, because these drug cartels employ and feed many people in an otherwise war and violence ravaged country. Do you think it’s a good idea to keep food away from an inherently violent environment? Yeah, we didn’t think so. It’s a matter of local resources, legalities concerning grown and refined drugs, and the end result of many thousands, if not millions, of families being fed and taken care of…while they are untouched by the violence.

Work employment of course sounds really great, but many people don’t really bother with where that work employment comes from and whether or not it is self sustaining. If it isn’t, then there is a problem with what happens to people in the long run and what happens when they try to settle down into a steady lifestyle, but their working conditions or benefits are not always going to stay the same and be reliable.

That turns out a lot of stress for people who are in these conditions.

And then drugs and alcohol enter the scene, impairing people’s judgment, impairing their ability to cope with their otherwise disgruntled lives, and these illicit substances prevent healthy relationships between partners and families from joining.

CMM Technology is here to help you with your employee drug testing program. Our drug test kits include Medix pro-split cup 6+6 and our breathalyser recalibration services are accredited by NATA. What more could you want? Would you like other drug test kits and options in our breathalyser devices? Well, we recommend our popular Lifeloc FC10 breathalyser device and we hope that you find it helpful, as well.

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Thursday, 19 June 2014

Expressionless Faces

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
Have you ever been in a neighborhood which is particularly affected by drug abuse? Have you ever seen what happens to the faces of the residents in these neighborhoods, even to the faces of the children? That’s right. Their expressions are mostly emotionless. It does not mean that these people don’t have emotions. It means that they are unable to correctly handle their own emotions, and so therefore they are looking to create new, blank canvases where they can hide (and therefore perhaps avoid) all emotions which they might be feeling.

It is so important for your workers to at least have some enjoyment at what they do for work. By being productive, they become stronger and more resilient against things which might drive them to drug abuse or alcohol abuse in the first place. This little bit of productive joy in their lives is necessary in order for them to feel at peace with themselves and, therefore, feel at peace with everyone around them.

CMM Technology is one of the drug test equipment suppliers in Australia, and we carry everything from urine drug test to saliva drug test to alcohol tests. We are even NATA accredited for our breathalyser recalibration service. Fortunately, we know that every business may have one or two employees who are affected by drug abuse and that these unfortunate souls may bring their abuse, in the form of substances themselves or high or drunk behavior, to the jobsite. This means that you, the leader of the company, must be able to correctly read and handle each employee as they come into your workplace, and for this you need reliable drug test equipment.

We recommend our Alere DDS2 (with reader) saliva drug test, but we also carry other types of drug test equipment and alcohol test so that you can take your pick. Also, if you have breathalyser which need calibrated then our recalibration service does just that, even if it is not our equipment. That means that you have a quick way to screen your employees both safely and effectively, with high quality results and accuracy. Remember that expressionless faces may reveal more than they hide.

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Wednesday, 18 June 2014

The High Price of a Spotless Reputation

Alcohol Test
Alcohol Test
When someone has a spotless reputation, they may be strong community or business leaders, because everyone respects them and looks up to them. Well, we don’t really mean everyone. You see, humans find it very difficult to be around perfection. We find it nigh impossible to be around people who really are perfect or seem to be to us. We put them down, we ridicule them, we say that they are stuck up, and we do everything in our power to convince ourselves that people of perfection are really unhappy and that they do not live very fulfilled lives.

The high price of a spotless reputation can sometimes be that, when you do fall down, there may not be a huge crowd of people waiting to help you or to pick you back up. People are more likely to help and support people who are just as weak and helpless as they perceive themselves to be. People are more likely to adjust and assist people who are similar to themselves. This does not apply to people of perfection. They have no peers. Not everyone feels that comfortable around them, and they may secretly rejoice when that person really does fall.

In business, your employees must be real and direct. Of course, they must be professional, but this does not mean being “fake.” It means, rather, that this person is likely to view the world through the best lenses that they can possible find. It means that these people who work for you will have to spread a real human impression of your business in the everyday world. And they cannot do this if they are in the middle of drug abuse or alcoholism while at work. They must be clean, at least during working hours, in order to be able to represent your company accurately.

Onsite drug testing is made much easier by the urine drug test kits, like the Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6, from CMM Technology. We also provide breathalyser recalibration services which are NATA accredited. What more could you ask for? Would you like good customer service? We have that, too.

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Friday, 6 June 2014

Doing It Properly

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
As long as you are going to use employee drug testing, you might as well do it properly. You must have a set schedule by which you screen your employees, you must do the paperwork for them correctly, you must have high quality drug test kits and alcohol tests, and you must keep everything organized so that you can refer to specific employee records at will.

Doing it properly is the most important part of this. Without appropriate execution of your employee drug testing plan, you may have a lot of data, but no real information at hand. This is when great leaders understand the weaknesses of the system and fix them, making the whole productivity of the screening tests more effective and more useful to the leader in your company.

Now, first, let’s talk about some popular screening tests distributed by CMM Technology. All of our products are popular but the ones which really shine are Lifeloc FC10 plus, Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6, and the Alere DDS2 saliva drug test. The Medix cup has an adulterant test built right in, which is why it is one of the more popular items. There are so many ways in which you can implement your screening program, and you should not feel limited by the commonplace or ordinary screening programs out there. Always tailor fit your employee drug testing program to the needs of your company, not the other way around.

Also, a part of doing it properly involves commitment to the process. You must no start out strong, but then only occasionally test your employees for potential drug and alcohol abuse. You must set up a consistent test plan and stick with it. By doing it this way, you far more likely to reduce costs spent on unreliable or unproductive workers, as well as increasing the likelihood that you will actually find the employees who are doing this, if there are any for whom this is true.

Lastly, the final part of doing it properly is to never make any assumptions, and that includes with your drug test kits. Be sure and try out products from CMM Technology and determine if they are right for your business.

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Thursday, 5 June 2014

CMM and the New Attitude

Saliva Drug Test
Saliva Drug Test
Breathalyser recalibration services are not unheard of, but they are still not as easily found as you might think. When CMM Technology began using our drug test equipment to make business better able to take on onsite drug testing, then we knew that many other businesses, even ones which do not use our sister company for onsite services, would buy our drug test equipment. We provide alcohol breathalyser devices, oral fluid drug tests, and urine drug test to businesses all over Australia and to select countries outside of our nation.

In the business marketplace, there are a lot of attitudes about competition, rivalry, professional services, and getting ahead in the game. This is, perhaps, not the best mental attitude to have in these circumstances. The truth is, while healthy competition always provides a better situation for customers, we often find that it is better to just focus on improving ourselves. To compete with another company is to find out what they are using to improve themselves, and this may or may not be a healthy solution for our own business.

There are many ways in which to bring about justice and equality, and though competition does a great deal toward this end, CMM Technology has found this to only sometimes be the solution for the regular day to day tasks that we find ourselves in. You see, by focusing on the growth of your own business, then you are always succeeding, because you are always getting better. However, if you often compare your company with those around you, you will often be discouraged, because they will always be growing in different ways and at different rates than you are.

CMM Technology, when providing our NATA accredited breathalyser recalibration services,, knows that you are looking for drug test kits and alcohol tests which you can continually order and use without having to search for new suppliers every three months. Our products have lasted a very long time, and more than fulfilled the needs of our clients. We invite you to try them out for yourself.

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Monday, 2 June 2014

We Ran Around A Lot Then

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
When reminiscing about the “old days,” we often recall college days, old school pals, and even young business antics from our adult, post college years. We ran around a lot then. We built a lot of memories.

We made mistakes, and learned from them by scarring our bodies and minds with bad and good experiences, marking ourselves permanently with our opinions and changed attitudes due to these life lessons and life experiences.

We ran around a lot then. We did a lot of things. We had a lot of fun.

It is fun to sit down every once in a while, with our brandy or wine or whatever it is you prefer at the end of the day, with our wives or husbands, our grown kids or our at-home kids, and to reminisce about the “old days.” The good old days.

When we live in the past, we no longer travel there for a moment in time. We begin to obsess. We sit on the ends of the pubs or bars, and talk about how we could have been somebody, about how we could have been great.

You don’t need that energy in a company which seeks to grow and make the future brighter with hope. You don’t need that around your other employees. CMM Technology brings you drug test equipment, from our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6 to our Rapid STAT saliva drug test, we have a lot of options to choose from, and we pride ourselves on the quality of our products. Make sure that your employees are not bringing maudlin obsessions with the past into your business’ present. Make sure that you have everything you need here. Our NATA accredited recalibration services are great, too. They are all about what you will do with your current breathalyser devices, even if they are not from us, when you need them recalibrated. We are good at that.

In conclusion, remember that it is okay to remember the past, as long as it is still just a memory, rather than all you live in or with. Today is a good place to be in, too. Call CMM Technology to make sure that your employees remember this.

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