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Monday, 14 July 2014

The Purpose of Office Pizza Delivery

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
No, this is NOT a thesis on pizzas, pizza delivery boys, or why people eat pizza. Rather, it is about the act of a community coming together over a common meal. Truth be told, if everyone in the world could completely avoid who they disliked, we would have a lot of lonely people out there who were almost completely isolated from everyone else. While this is still true for some people, the majority of us have to live next to, work with, and be around people we dislike all the time.

And, truth be told, that is a good thing.

You see, differences can be resolved over time as long as enough time is taken to be around the other person and understand them. When this time is not taken, then isolation from people you don’t like becomes very solid. It is important as a society and as individuals to always have regular contact with people we dislike so that, with the passing of every month, we can grow and become more than what we are now.

When we avoid each other and go out in our little cliques to our work lunches, we may enjoy ourselves more, but we also cease to grow as people. The great thing about office pizza delivery is that everyone wants some pizza, they have to gather around the same pizza box in order to have some and, temporarily, enemies are drawn together into polite, casual conversation.

Yes, even the mundane activities such as pizza delivery better us as people of the world.

Now, in other areas of business, employee drug testing can do the same thing. Whether enemies complain about having to get tested together while waiting in line, or whether people gossip about someone they know in another company who tested positive on their screening test, the commonality of the process can similarly bring people temporarily together during the time of screening.

At CMM Technology, we provide the finest drug test equipment, including our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6 and our Alere DDS2 (with reader) saliva drug test.

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Friday, 11 July 2014

The Past Age of Chivalry

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
Chivalry may be a lost art form, but that doesn’t mean that men and women don’t try to revive it, occasionally. When men and women treat each other with respect and courtesy, then this used to be called chivalry. Now, this art is lost, but the spirit remains. Now, we call it being Politically Correct. Now, women are angry and looking to make themselves the equal of men, when in fact men and women have great success with fulfilling different strengths in themselves and in other people. This is not feminism or misogyny, by the way, but good old classical sexism. And it’s okay for me to write about this, because I’m a young, modern woman at the top of her field.

Chivalry is not a lost art. Rather it has been re-modernized, reshaped, molded into a different shape and taken on a different form than it used to have. Of course, not everyone feels good about that, and it is okay to go back to the old ways of chivalry. It is okay to return to past ages, but it might also be good to learn the lost art a little better this time around.

CMM Technology understands that, by respecting other people, we are improving our own lives and our ability to successfully interact with the world at large. We know how important it is that your staff members are up to par in the business world, and we are very aware of the fact that not every employee really is. For this, we have drug test equipment and other screening tests and we also provide a recalibration service for your breathalyser which is accredited by NATA. Moreover, we know that by purchasing screening tests from us and by taking advantage of our recalibration services, you are doing something for chivalry yourself. You are helping to make the world, the ever lost world, inside your business a better place with healthier minded employees. Whether you use an Employee Assistance Program, or just wish to deal with the matter in a more succinct manner, CMM Technology is here to help you get the answers you deserve to have.

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Thursday, 10 July 2014

Reliability versus Consistency

Saliva Drug Test
Saliva Drug Test
Okay, when you saw the title of this article, you probably thought, “These are the same thing! Why on earth would I want to learn about the tiny amount of difference between them?” Well, in reality, there is more of a difference between them than you might think. Reliability and consistency are both part of a dependable friend, coworker or employee.

However, they differ in time structures.

Reliability is usually found in the person who can handle emergency situations really well. They are always there for the people who need them, and they always know what to do and how to do it. They are reliable friends, and they handle stressful situations and are therefore good life partners to have.

Consistency, however, is found in people who handle everyday stresses really well. They may or may not be able to handle emergency situations really well, but they do handle everyday life with a lot of smoothness and aplomb.

It is important to have both types of people working for you, and this is especially the case since different people will bring various types of strengths to your business, but very few of them will be really developed on every level and in every way. That is the purpose of having a time of widely varied people, each of whom is particularly strong in their respective areas of expertise, both personal and professional.

CMM Technology provides another way to strengthen your team. Make sure that every employee is following business policies by giving them employee drug testing. Alcohol test and drug test kits are available through CMM Technology, as is our NATA accredited breathalyser recalibration service. Of course, we consider ourselves both reliable and consistent, and we want to help you strengthen your company in these areas, too. One of the tools to accomplish that is our drug test equipment, which gives you the information you need to make permanent and temporary decisions about your employees. That is the kind of security you should always have in your business. To find out more or to place an order with us, please visit our website.

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Wednesday, 9 July 2014

The Indestructible Human Spirit

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
The human spirit is, indeed, indestructible, or seemingly so. There is so much pain and heartache and physical burning and horrendous things which we have been able to endure that it certainly seems as if we are indestructible.

There is a lot to be said for the idea that we are extremely strong. It is also interesting how easily and how quickly we can be brought down when affected by chemical processes. All over the world, biological warfare has been tested and experimented with, because humans will still fight when shot or injured, but chemicals create damage which takes far longer to undo.

When drug abuse or alcoholism is tracked, it is seen that people become far more affected by the long term chemical change than the short term side effects of the substances. Over time, chemicals rearrange themselves in the body to create vitamin deficiencies or to try to make up for vitamin deficiencies. There is an inherent need to make the human body survive for as long as it can. This is undone by the powerful side effects of what these chemical changes do to the mind. Whereas brain chemicals and hormones were fairly well balanced, the chemical changes from drug abuse and alcoholism really begin to create long term brain chemical imbalance within two weeks of the initial self abuse.

The result of all of this compensation for everything is that even the normal thinking process of an individual is screwed up and twisted so that they perceive things which aren’t there and are paranoid about anything they cannot perceive. There is breeding ground of fear, competition, comparison with other people, pride, powerlessness, helpless thinking habits, and other forms of compensation for the lack of appropriate brain chemicals. The entire process is extremely distorted, and the individual begins a long, downward trek of isolation and false perceptions.

Employee drug testing is at the end of this journey. For many, screening tests are equivalent with privacy violation, but rather, they are the equivalent of company asset protection. Any business worth its salt will be eager to purchase drug test equipment and alcohol test from CMM Technology.

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Tuesday, 8 July 2014

The Greatest Gold: Human Connection

Saliva Drug Test
Saliva Drug Test
Human connection is so undervalued that it is often overlooked, even in the job selection process. There are certain industries, however, which are oriented directly toward this human connection, and so they understand why skills in this area are vital in the job selection process. The hospitality industry and the travel industry are two examples of areas where people skills count a lot more than technical skills. Humans are delicate creatures at their very core, and they require tender loving care on a pretty regular basis. If your workers can identify this need and align themselves with it, then your business will soar. If however your employees don’t fulfill these requirements, they can seriously damage the reputation that your business has for customer care and quality control. Good news and bad news both spread by word of mouth, and bad news has a propensity for traveling a little bit faster. You need your customers to feel good about your company, not feel threatened by it.

Drug testing is part of the quality control process in any current business. It’s part of how you protect your assets, your employees, and your business reputation from inside influence by workers who have strayed from their professional roles. We say “strayed” because often drug abuse or alcoholism begins this way. Substance abuse is quite insidious, and it drags us down before we know what is happening. It is important to recognize how vulnerable people can be to this process before you judge them too harshly. You cannot help them, no, but you can understand how easily they have slipped down into this particular rut.

Human connection counts.

Protect your greatest gold. Implement drug testing. Implement employee drug testing on a regular basis. Help your business be clean of people who do not respect it or want to be a part of its success. Find out who is fit for duty and who is not. Be proactive.

When you are looking for drug test equipment, visit our website here at CMM Technology. We have a wide supply of products for your screening test needs.

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Monday, 7 July 2014

Super Easy Living

Alcohol Test
Alcohol Test
Many people believe that the harder you work, the more you accomplish. Well, anyone who has seen hurried but unproductive employees understands this is not true. Easy living does not mean living without a purpose or without production. It means living without choosing to have stress or dread or lifelessness or emptiness in your life. It means being productive and getting things accomplished, but not stressing out about it all the time. In fact, humans are best when they are being productive.

It is when we don’t see our accomplishments that our spirit dies a little.

Live with ease by employing effective, but simple, business strategies in your life. Use employee drug testing on a regular basis to monitor your employees. This monitoring makes a difference in the quality of worker you employ. There is a limit to how much one worker can step out of bounds before they begin to seriously disrupt how other employees view you, your authority, their worksite, and even the business itself. Boundaries must be set in place. Drug test kits and breathalyser devices are available through CMM Technology to be delivered all over Australia. Drug testing in Western Australia can be a cinch when you are looking at high quality drug testing products.

Your business, of course, should go easy as well, but we all know that companies have just as many problems as individual people and that these needs have to be tended if work is to continue moving forward.

Make sure all of your employees are fit for duty. Make absolute certain that all of your workers are indeed there to work, rather than to collect a paycheck only. There is a work ethic which is associated with super easy living: it is taking pride in your work and craftsmanship. It is developing the highest quality techniques, practices, habits or managerial styles which help you to not only do a good job, but to do an incredibly fantastic job.

Onsite drug testing is available through our sister site, Mediscreen, but we here at CMM Technology bring you the urine drug test and oral fluid drug tests which you will need to properly implement your workplace testing program yourself.

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Saturday, 5 July 2014

The Million Step Path

Workplace Drug Testing
Workplace Drug Testing
It is said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Of course, after about fifty or two hundred and fifty steps, the road ahead still seems endless. It can be so easy to look at all of the progress you are supposed to make and think that it will never get done. It can be easy to just give up now before you waste all that time only going partway.

The truth is that the million step path does not need to seem so long. How do you keep from being discouraged?

In various twelve step programs intended to help alcoholics and drug addicts, the addicts are often told to take one day at a time. What does that mean? Does it mean that you have to give up on all of your wonderful future goals and plans? Does it mean that you have to only live in the moment and never think about tomorrow?

If you take one day at a time, then you are dealing with today’s problems right now, today. You are not looking for what tomorrow will bring when it comes to trouble. You can still plan for good things for tomorrow, but you are not worrying about what you will or will not do if something should arise.

The million step path is begun, completed, and finished by taking one step at a time, one right after the other.

Employee drug testing cannot determine how likely an employee is to keep abusing substances, but it can give you a photograph of what they are like right now. If a worker is abusing drugs or alcohol, then you will know about it, but you will not know how long they have been doing it or how long they may continue doing so in the future. You can only implement regular testing so that you can keep an eye on them and implement company policy if they do not adhere to your business guidelines.

For more information about ordering drug testing equipment or alcohol breathalyser devices, please contact CMM Technology and ask us anything you would like to.

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Thursday, 3 July 2014

Running Away from Dreaded Issues

Saliva Drug Test
Saliva Drug Test
If you are anything like the author of this piece, you have plenty of experience in sidestepping problems and making sure that you can slither around any potential issues which seem to be coming your way. However, there is one problem with this. While you may be successful in avoiding problems in the future for a long time, any time you can’t escape having a problem, your lack of experience will make it very difficult to deal with the few problems which do turn up in your life. Trust the author, this is a very real situation.

What happens when you put a cast upon a perfectly healthy bone and muscle group? Well, your leg or arm will not be able to move functionally and so therefore will lose the function that it already has. The muscle will grow weak, the bone will become weaker, too, and all of this because you put too much protection around a perfectly healthy leg or arm.

The same situation applies in personal or internal growth. Unless you practice dealing with life’s circumstances, preferably while you are a child and a teen for most of them, then you are internally strong enough to handle all of the problems which life brings you later on. It’s easy, it’s simple, and it makes future problems look a lot less daunting, not to mention making your need to sidestep problems a much smaller need.

CMM Technology is one of the leading drug test equipment suppliers in Australia. We are based in Perth, WA, and we pride ourselves on the high quality and usability of our alcohol test and drug test kits. We know that it is not always convenient to get your breathalysers recalibrated, but we provide a fast NATA accredited individual breathalyser recalibration service, in addition to all of our screening tests. If this sounds like something which would make your workplace stronger and better, not to mention raising the bar on professionalism at the workplace environment, then please feel free to contact us.

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Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Depression and Wounded Hearts

Workplace Drug Testing
Workplace Drug Testing
CMM Technology is a drug test equipment provider in Australia. We are based in Perth, WA, and we are proud of what we do for the Australian business marketplace. We know that it can sometimes be a bit of a hassle for you to implement employee drug testing, and we hope that our drug test kits and alcohol tests are helpful to your business when implementing these procedures.

We also know that not all of your employees would regularly abuse substances if they were to abuse them. Sometimes, it can be a temporary thing, which is why many businesses in our country choose to have a three-strike rule, so that workers are given second chances (and also because it is expensive to have a high employee job turnaround rate). Sometimes, it can be based solely upon the present circumstances in someone’s life, such as a broken heart or a mild period of depression.

Now, depression has probably affected most people in the world, but more importantly, it affects all of us in different ways. Some of us are susceptible to falling into depression if we are not around our friends and family on a regular basis, but are strong against any personal failures or downfalls. Others of us are more likely to be depressed after a time of repeated failures, but will not even notice if they are in a more isolated environment for weeks or even months on end.

CMM Technology helps you to identify which of your employees may be resorting to drug or alcohol abuse in the workplace by the use of drug testing equipment. We provide many different screening tests too choose from. However, we encourage you to have a plan in place to deal with people who do not have desired test results. Sometimes, the nature of your business necessitates immediate dismissal, but this is not always the case, and many people may be helped by advice, counseling, and help over their temporary troubles. If you would like to find out more about our testing equipment or our NATA accredited breathalyser recalibration service.

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Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Dangerous Crossroads in Drug Testing

Alcohol Test
Alcohol Test
This article is for businesses which are just now getting into the whole employee drug testing schematic. We will be discussing perceptions about the drug testing which many business owners have when they first start using it.

First, there is no limit to how far your learning of this process may go. You may think you have all of the rules and techniques down pat, but more will probably be made known to you in the future. In other words, there are always more things to know about and a better perspective to obtain.

Second, this article is not meant to be patronizing at all. You see, we know that you may consider employee drug testing a tool to find out who is abusing drugs or alcohol in your business, and that once you have found out which employees are doing that and have dealt with them appropriately, you don’t need the drug testing anymore until you hire more employees. Well, this is not always the case because someone who has successfully got past a few drug testing periods may fail the next one and show their hand all at once. In these cases, you will be glad that you stuck with the continuous process.

Also, in addition to the above example, one or more of your employees may begin abusing substances while they are working at your company. If they have always tested clean before now and their test results change, well, you should know about that. So, you see, employee drug testing must, by its very nature, be a continuous process which continually screens your workers for any potential drug or alcohol abuse.

Recalibration services provided by CMM Technology are accredited by NATA. We also provide a wide range of drug test equipment, such as our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6 and our Alere DDS2 saliva drug test with reader. All of this equipment is meant to be handled with care and to be recalibrated, when appropriate, regularly. That is why having CMM Technology on your side can be so helpful.

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