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Saturday, 30 August 2014

The Price of Betrayal

Workplace Drug Test
Workplace Drug Test
Betrayal is an interesting concept. It means different things to different people, depending upon their life experience and their expectations about a matter. For instance, someone may feel as if they have been betrayed, when in fact it is just a matter of life experience and they don’t know the situation better than to freak out about it. Another instance would be if someone felt betrayed because their expectations were different from the other person’s expectations, and so therefore there was simply a lack of synchronicity. Well, this is very common among people, but it’s still a good idea to attempt some type of communication, so that you can minimize the damage caused by misunderstandings and perceptions of betrayal when nothing like that was intended.

In some instances, however, betrayal is real. This occurs between spouses when one or both of them have an extra-marital affair. It occurs between siblings when a promise is broken. And, lastly, it occurs between friends and family members when one of them abuses drugs or alcohol on a regular basis.

By abusing substances, you are essentially telling your loved ones that you have withdrawn yourself from the social structure with them that you used to have. You have decided that you will not uphold your end of the relationship, even if they are holding up theirs.

That is dangerous, and that is very hurtful to the people who care about you.

Loss. Loss is the price of betrayal.

You can lose money, friends, your home, your job, your finances, your security, and even your very life. People were designed to work as individuals within loving, supportive communities. Without this setup, it becomes very hard to succeed at anything.

Alere DDS2 (with reader) saliva drug test and other screening tests are available for purchase through CMM Technology. You may not be able to physically control your employees on the jobsite, but you can screen them to check for substance abuse. Alcohol test are available from us, too. Employee drug testing is effective because it doesn’t try to change the behavior, but simply determines whether the behavior exists in the workplace. Now, that’s simple to understand.

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Friday, 29 August 2014

The Dead Man’s Perspective

Alcohol Test
Alcohol Test
When someone abuses drugs or alcohol for long enough, they find themselves looking for ways in which to destroy the life force inside of themselves a little bit more and a little bit more, until it is all gone. Don’t underestimate how incapable people are of choosing more life. Sometimes, they choose death, and that means that they are in a position to lose their life at any given moment.

Of course, the choices have to be continual, and over a long period of time. They cannot just be a small inclination thought about once every four years. To choose death, you have to really want to disintegrate yourself, and you have to want it for a long enough time, so that your energy becomes less, rather than more, over time, which is difficult to do anyway because the human spirit is really indomitable.

As you can see, it really takes a lot of concentrated effort and choice to pull the energy of death into your life and then it takes even more of that choice to keep it there. As you can see, it is really hard to keep it once you have it, and that people who choose the energy of death or destruction really want to have it.

At CMM Technology, we don’t believe in anything less than the fullest, most abundant life that we can possible strive for, and we have the same belief in your business, as well. No one should have the dead man’s perspective. We provide urine drug test, saliva drug test, alcohol breathalyser devices, and of course our breathalyser recalibration which is accredited by NATA. Move away from the attitude and mindset of even the most remote destruction, and make yourself and your business bigger than any problems which can possible occur with it.

Maintain your workers in a steady growth and people orientation by protecting them from coworkers which are substance abusers and acting less than professional in the workplace. Maintain your business by indulging in the number readings of onsite drug testing.

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Monday, 25 August 2014

Ten Contacts for the Weary

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
When you are feeling weary and downtrodden, there are some things you can do to pick up your outlook on the world. If you are extroverted, then hanging out with old family friends or being around cheerful laughing people will often do the trick. If you are introverted, then perhaps you should find a good book, a secluded place to be by yourself where you won’t be found or disturbed, and enjoy the stillness of the day or the quiet of the night.

People often say that if you are down, then it is not a good thing to be alone.

They suggest that you get in touch with one or more of your contacts, even if that is something which you rarely would do anyway.

The truth is that it all depends upon the person. What are contacts for some people are simply stress triggers for other people. We’re all so different that it is so important to know what truly fills you up and motivates you before you go about making contacts with people who may or may not be able to pick you up.
Whatever the case, drugs and alcohol are not the solution. In fact, it is better to be a little more stressed out than usual and to be clear headed than to run to substance abuse as soon as the slightest little problem arises.

When you are weary and need a helping hand, look for people who are similar to you who are doing well in their lives. Then, allow them to pick you up and make you feel more successful and hopeful again.

And, let’s face it, that’s what drug abuse really is: the destruction of your last bit of hope.

That’s why your business needs CMM Technology.

When your employees may succumb to these temporary fits of weakness, you need to know about it. You need to be aware of what is going on, and proper drug test equipment will get the job done. When you are looking for reliable data, check us out, and try our popular Alere DDS2 (with reader) saliva drug test.

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Friday, 22 August 2014

The Problems with Attitudes about Change

Saliva Drug Test
Saliva Drug Test
When it comes to alcohol and drug abuse, people really don’t like change. That doesn’t mean that people don’t like initiatives which help people with abuse problems. It means that addicts really don’t like change if they can help it, and if forced upon them, they may live their entire lives looking for stability but in reality living lives filled with nothing but unreliable change.

Change is scary

Change is unnerving.

For addicts, change can seem almost life threatening, at times.

For some, change is stressful when it occurs to people in their lives, such as romantic partners or the death or leaving of a loved one. For some people, change is most stressful when it comes in the form of a job loss or a job change. For some, it is denial about something they have done. And for others, change is so terrifying that they will dig in their heels against any form of change, no matter what it is, even if their own survival is dependent upon a small amount of adaptation.

In the professional environment, these attitudes are death to any company. In order to survive, all businesses must be at least somewhat adaptable. If you have a manager or a senior level executive who has this attitude about change, it can be a huge problem for you and your company’s revenue. It is important to identify any possible substance abuse as early as possible.

Employee drug testing can help you with ascertaining who is able to bear up under increased responsibility and who may not be able to handle such duties. Drug test kits provided by CMM Technology can be just the thing you need. Be sure and try our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6 as part of this process or journey you are on. Be sure and notice how much employee drug testing gives you a sense of control over the order and stability of your own business. We cannot control people, but we can control order, and these products will help you in restoration and maintenance of this order.

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Tuesday, 19 August 2014

The Mistaken Identity

Alcohol Test
Alcohol Test
Employees are liable to make mistakes about a stranger’s identity if they have never seen them before, but the stranger still bears a marked resemblance to an acquaintance of theirs. However, if a regular customer comes by your business and your employees are not able to even remember who they are or that they have been there before, then you might have a very real problem.

Mistaken identity is part of the process which naturally occurs when someone is abusing drugs or alcohol. They are unable to recall short term memory details, and they find it very difficult to even care if they do happen to recognize someone’s face. It is a matter of not having their full mental capacity with which to interact with customers. It is a matter of being irresponsible before coming to work or while at work. It is a matter of not really caring what happens to the business, as long as their temporary needs are fulfilled. There is no planning or evaluation. There is no responsibility being taken. There is no rhyme or reason to the debacle. The whole thing is clouded.

CMM Technology brings you the finest quality drug test equipment, and we know that it is in your best interest to have quality screening tests for your employee drug testing. You see, we know what the difference is between high quality drug testing and low quality employee drug testing. There must be a reasonable quality of products from our stores, for a reasonable amount of money. There’s nothing else to it.

It affects your business reputation in a very real way if your workers are not able to form lasting and meaningful business relationships with your clients and customers. Therefore, it is in all of our best interest to find something that works. CMM Technology provides oral fluid drug tests, like our Rapid STAT saliva drug test, as well as all kinds of other screening tests for both alcohol and drug screening. If you would like to find out more, then please visit our website and browse our product listings. Mistaken identity should not be in your present business sight.

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Monday, 18 August 2014

Those Who Love Reactions

Alcohol Test
Alcohol Test
We all know people who love reactions. They like teasing their coworkers, playing minor pranks on their spouses, and joking with their friends. They love the big reactions that some people necessarily bring to the situation, and often the reactors and the reaction creators pair off so that each party might get as much as possible out of each other’s side of the equation.

We all love to be around those who elicit lots of positive reactions, especially those who are able to bring us out of the dark moods we may have been feeling lately, and into the light. There is something powerful in being able to make someone laugh or being a strongly positive influence in their lives.

Sometimes, however, in unnatural situations the people who love reactions are looking for fear or dread or lack of safety for their partner or friend. This is usually what happens when someone who is abusing alcohol or drugs goes off on a tangent which they cannot control. CMM Technology brings you the screening tests which you can use in your employee drug testing and alcohol screenings. We are a NATA accredited recalibration service, as well, for your alcohol testing devices, even if they are not one of ours. We know that you only want positive reactions out of your workers, not the ones which accompany abusing or being around someone who abuses illicit substances.

Reactions are part of the primal nature in humans. Laughter, enjoyment, peace, safety and kindness are all part of the ordinary safe reactions which we display when we are comforted, safe, and well cared for. Fear, hatred, high emotional states, loudness of voice, and other reactions accompany a fear based or unstable set of circumstances.

While employee drug testing does not take away the possibility that someone might use on the worksite, it will give you clear and accurate readings of who it is who is doing this. CMM Technology provides NATA accredited breathalyser recalibration services, along with our line of urine and saliva drug tests, like our Rapid STAT saliva drug test.

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Saturday, 16 August 2014

The Edge between Humanity and Cruelty

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
Humans really are frail creatures, but we often spend our entire lives pretending to be more than we are, tougher than we are, worse than we are, or just wilder than we are. We want to make ourselves and others believe that we are not to be messed with. Of course, this can be useful, but it can also be a detrimental habit to take up. For instance, when was the last time you put up walls around yourself when encountering extended family member during the holidays? Did it end up helping or hurting things?

We act like gods who can both create and destroy each other. However, we are still humans who can and will be hurt by everything around us. Doing things well and working together smoothly involves professionalism. Professionalism involves being nice and polite, not overreacting emotionally, and staying calm in a crisis. Being able to see the other side of the problem is one of the characteristics of a leader. Being able to look at a situation and visualize what it will be like when the issue passes is crucial in any company.

Help your employees to engender this spirit within themselves by helping them to take control over any drinking or drug abusing in the workplace. Employee drug testing is a powerful tool, especially when used right. Help your workers to see the help which their participation will create. Help them to understand why their livelihoods are calmer and more manageable when everyone is safe and protected in their workplace. This is all part of engendering an atmosphere of helpfulness and creativity on the jobsite, instead of competition and bitterness. When people feel that they have to fight back at all times, they turn both their work and their homes into a battleground.

Alcohol test, like our breathalyser devices, contribute to keeping things in order, too. Also, you can take advantage of our breathalyser recalibration service. We are here to help and to aid you in your process of turning the living organism of your business into a healthy.

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Thursday, 14 August 2014

The Scientific Journey and Man’s Acceptance of It

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
Let’s face it. Science has been good to mankind, and it has produced the scientific method which has been invaluable in observing what we can see, hear, smell, or taste. Of course, there are other approaches where the scientific method can be used, for example, employee drug testing.

The scientific journey has produced many hard facts and concrete bits of evidence which we use to explain the world around us. In essence, science has brought us the ability to determine whether or not something is certain, and if it is certain, we are now able to determine the degree of certainty which is involved.

CMM Technology provides urine drug tests, oral fluid drug tests, alcohol test, and NATA accredited recalibration services. We know how important it is for you to know, quite certainly, just how many of your employees, if any, are abusing illicit substances like drugs or alcohol while they are at work. Even showing up to work inebriated to any degree is dangerous, for themselves, for their coworkers, and to your company’s assets.

We as the human race have accepted that there are some things which we may never know in this world. We may never learn the meaning of life. We may never learn why we are here in the first place. We may never find out what will happen in the universe when the whole galactic system begins to implode. However, we CAN know if one of our employees has illicit drugs or alcohol in their system when they come in for their employee drug testing. This is what is so important about running a business. The operation thereof requires you to hold everyone accountable for their actions.

Australian businesses are liable if one of their employees causes an accident through the influence of drugs or alcohol. Therefore, it is in your best interests to always have an employee drug testing program in effect, and CMM Technology can supply all of your needs. In fact, CMM Technology can do a lot more for you than you ever thought possible.

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Thursday, 7 August 2014

Withdraw Your Trust from the Drug Users

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
As a community loving society, humans are programmed to trust each other and to develop bonds, societal connections, and relationships with each other. We can protect ourselves better in a group, we can share the labor in a group, and we can grow up with a certain amount of safety and nurturing within a group. Community involvement is necessary in order to reap these benefits, and thus the nature of trust is born.

However, there are times when this trust can be misplaced, misused, or just misinterpreted. The title “con artist” is short of “confidence artist.” If someone can gain the trust and confidence of other people to their own exclusive gain, then they are a confidence artist, who can wield and manipulate their victims in a variety of different ways. In fact, in a society built on trust, this is the only way in which non-societal members can integrate themselves without a commitment to the community.

Businesses employ workplace drug testing as part of an evaluative procedure to “catch” these con artists. Not everyone is trying to get away with it, but employees who are abusing substances while on the worksite are a danger to everyone, actively or not. Employee drug testing helps to keep an eye on anyone who might be doing this and to deter them from abusing further if they wish to keep their job. Withdrawing your trust from the drug users is one of the best self protective things you can do. No company should rely upon workers who have no interest in doing a quality job with a clear mind. Nobody should have to rely upon a company being that unstable.

Place your trust in us, in CMM Technology, to give you accurate readings with our drug test equipment and our alcohol test. Our breathalyser devices are popular, especially our Lifeloc FC10. There is so much to learn through employee screening tests, and we make it our mission to see to it that you have the best results with the most effective equipment available.

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Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Repression and Drinking

Employee Drug Testing
Employee Drug Testing
If you spend all of your time drinking, then you don’t have a lot of time to actually spend living. Yes, we are temporarily moving away from the subject of low emotional intelligence and talking about productive use of time. If you spend your time doing things which you then have to hide, you acquire an aptitude for covering them up afterward, or repressing them within yourself.

There is a reason why people condemn more than simply “bearing false witness.” We condemn lying, because lying to other people is one thing, but lying to ourselves is another problem entirely. When you repress something, you are lying to yourself or subverting the truth to yourself (some people consider those two to be the same thing), and this leads to internal strain, pressure, heartache and, if not dealt with on time, actual physical manifestation of your pain.

Repression is a way to slowly, but surely, kill your spirit, kill your soul, and kill your inner drive and primal wildness. And alcohol has a great deal to do with repression. Occasionally, you will find a drunk who is happy admitting they are a drunk, both when they are sober and when they are intoxicated. But almost all of the time, you will encounter people who seek to cover up either their alcoholism or other things which originate from their drinking behavior.

When an employee brings this behavior to the workplace, they are tainting the working environment with their sick mindset. When they abuse alcohol on the jobsite itself, they are staining the workplace and the people therein with the danger and the lack of responsibility with which they have surrounded themselves.

In the workplace environment, it is really important to know if this is going on. You must determine if any of your workers are bringing their alcoholic disease with them to work, if they have such a problem. CMM Technology can help you out with this. Our products include high quality alcohol breathalyser devices and drug testing kits like our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6 kit. We even have breathalyser recalibration which is NATA accredited.

Don’t let total repression burst forth in your business, because someone was keeping themselves in an unnatural state, both emotionally and physically. Make sure you are aware of any substance abuse occurring in your worksite.

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