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Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Is Testing Becoming More or Less Popular?

Drug and alcohol testing has only been around since the 1980s. The recent development and implementation of this practice, coupled with perceived violations of privacy, has meant that it did not begin with as much popularity as it has today. Both employers and employees have been hesitant to “get excited” about it, since mixed reviews might lead to outright hostility. Organizations which require both management and employed staff to receive alcohol testing are far more likely to succeed in continuing to do so, than other companies which are more lenient with management positions. The perceived violation of privacy can be started or exacerbated by the wrong attitudes or treatment from employers, and can become worse over time if these attitudes are not adjusted.
Employees must not feel as if they are being judged or weighed in the balance, because even the most highly motivated individuals with the best work ethic can become discouraged or fearful in that type of environment. One of the most effective means of increasing productivity within a company is to increase pride in work and personal achievement, and to not make this dependent upon a pay scale or a bonus package. When handling your employees, it is recommended that you read Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom by Dr. William Glasser. This book indicates how using choice theory in the drug free workplace is incredibly useful to both the productivity and the motivation of employed staff and that the net revenue will rise accordingly. Dr. Glasser states that employees can become happier and more useful on less money if they are treated in specific ways, namely showing them respect, giving them room for creative innovation, and not micromanaging their every move. Leading social networking companies, such as Linked In and Twitter, employ these strategies with similarly successful results.
What does all of this mean? It means that the popularity of drug testing within your workplace does not have to dependent upon current societal trends, but upon your own good judgment and effective management of your employees. You do not have to pass out fliers in the office about how great it is and how excited you are about implementing it. Your own wisdom and discretion will do the selling for you.
CMM Technology develops quality drug and alcohol testing equipment for your workplace. Telephone  618 9204 2500

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Hunger and the Alcoholic Lifestyle

Alcohol is used to achieve many different goals: to become drunk, to disinfect, to reduce pain, to calm down a nervous state of mind, to slow reflexes, to celebrate, to forget and to feel better. Rarely does one find an instance where alcohol is used to increase hunger. However, aside from the neurological effects which are well-known, alcohol is a key component in starving cells. Unfortunately, in situations of poverty, the individual may find that the temporary “downing” effects of alcohol help them to forget their hunger. Thus, it is difficult to mix poverty and alcoholism without making it nearly impossible to leave either lifestyle.
Before we begin, it must be made clear that alcohol in no way acts as an appetite suppressant or can be used as a dieting tool. Rather, the converse is true. Alcohol increases hunger and thirst for nutrients, eliciting extreme physical pain in the individual if these nutrients are not ingested. In fact, one the primary causes of pain during alcoholism, other than broken relationships and hangovers, is the occurring starvation. In order to prevent toxic poisoning, cells use up greater than normal nutritional resources, creating a pocket or deficiency which must be filled. Rather than filling these nutritional holes, alcohol temporarily tricks the mind into believing that everything is alright, while creating further deficiency.
On the other end of the spectrum, alcoholism can be prevented and even 90% cured through no other action than nutritional intake. When healthy cells are receiving the materials and energy which they need in order to remain strong, they begin throwing off old toxic debris, including a tolerance for or affinity for alcohol. Without exercising any amount of self control, an individual can gradually decrease their tolerance for alcohol simply by eating fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, organic meat, and drinking plenty of water. This phenomenon is accurate across the board, without depending upon personality type, lifestyle, other habits including drug abuse, or personal preference. Clearly, individuals would gain a lot in perspective and in self control simply by feeding their cells. Unfortunately, alcoholism is not the only habit which induces cellular starvation. Eating foods lacking in nutrition will also leave one feeling hungry within two hours of eating a large meal. This hunger continues as long as the nutritional deficiency exists, which may explain why overeating almost seems necessary, rather than a lack of personal responsibility. When fighting both alcoholism and unhealthy eating habits, remember that nutritional investment will eradicate hunger.
Contact CMM Technology today for your quality drug and alcohol testing equipment +618-9204-2500 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +618-9204-2500     .