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Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Results of Poor Boundaries

Within every personal and professional interaction in our lives, we must set boundaries, both outgoing and incoming. Outgoing boundaries involve not allowing someone to take advantage of your good nature or financial prowess, keeping standards for how you treat someone, and knowing when to shut off communication if it is necessary to do so. Incoming boundaries deal with not allowing toxic or draining people into your life, cutting experiences which you dislike out of your schedule, and setting standards for how others treat you. Workplace drug testing is part of setting company boundaries. When employees are given pre screening tests, your business is able to discern whether standards of company policy are being kept.
Unfortunately, not all people or businesses set proper incoming and outgoing boundaries. How do these boundaries look in the professional world? Well, to begin with, incoming boundaries include things like not accepting substandard products from the manufacturer, not hiring employees who have little or no work experience in their field, and occasionally cutting out a client who refuses to operate in an ethical manner with your business. Drug testing is a part of incoming boundaries. With it, you can make sure that you hire quality employees and that they are abiding by company policy and safety standards.
In the professional world, outgoing boundaries include things like determining which services you will and will not provide, regulating product distribution, standing by your employees, and only delivering the best quality of service to your clients. Employee Drug Testing is also applicable in outgoing boundaries because you make sure that clients receive professionalism and care, and that your other employees are safe from potentially addictive behavior. When these boundaries are not enforced, then work suffers, quality suffers, reputation is stretched thin, and income decreases. This is, of course, the same phenomenon which occurs in one’s personal life. If one is using someone else or allowing themselves to be used, their self respect, their confidence, and their community standing all stand to suffer.
Boundaries are important and that is why CMM Technology enables your business to set proper boundaries using drug and alcohol testing and Screening Tests equipment. Our products are especially helpful for on-site testing, which a pre is screening method used to save time and get your employees back to work as quickly as possible. 

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Breathalysers in Your Home

CMM Technology offers portable breathalyser tests for your home or office use. These breathalyser tests make it possible to test for the inebriating effects of alcohol anywhere. Many businesses use workplace drug testing in order to secure employees and customers in a safe, non-hazardous environment. However, there is a case to be made for using breathalyser tests at home. We begin with familiar parent-teen interaction, move into difficulties between spouses, and finish with problems between equal, non-marital adults.
To begin, parents may need to use breathalyser tests in their home in order to make sure that their teen is following orders and obeying rules to not engage in alcohol abuse. Teenagers, while asserting their independence and experimenting with the real world, often drink a large amount of alcohol in one night. This is typically due to the feel-good effects of alcohol, but in adoptive, abusive or unstable homes, teens abuse to escape their problems. On the jobsite, drug and alcohol testing is used to regulate abuse by employees.
Next, we have difficulties occurring between spouses, because one or both of them abuses alcohol. Unfortunately, each individual must have a desire to correct their own addiction and help from outside sources is limited. However, in the case of a recovering alcoholic or someone who wishes to be held accountable for their actions, Breathalyser Recalibration Service are very convenient to be given at home. In this case, the alcohol test can be administered on a set schedule, as part of an accountability program.
Finally, adults, roommates or grown relatives living under the same roof can encounter the ugly disease of alcoholism. Breathalyser tests come in handy when determining violation of roommate agreements, house rules, or family precepts. This is especially helpful in a group, when individuals are pressured to take sides and accusations are thrown around freely. An alcohol test can be the objective deciding factor when determining reliability and truthfulness.
CMM Technology does not just have alcohol breathalyser tests, but also saliva drug tests and urine drug tests. Our goal is to supply businesses and homes with safe, effective, portable equipment with which to test drug abuse or alcoholism. Our experts are standing by, 24/7, to help you with any questions which you may have. We would love to help you implement a business strategy for workplace drug testing and, of course, answer any questions you may have about portable breathalyser tests: (+61) 1300 79 70 30

Monday, 7 November 2011

Screening devices and training

Your Drug & Alcohol Testing devices need to be properly operated and used. CMM Technology allows you access to full and thorough online training programmes so that your own workplace screening programme can run efficiently and smoothly.
Simply selling screening technologies and devices without adequate understanding of the products and technologies can severely jeopardise the drug and alcohol testing component of your Fitness for Duty policy and your Occupational Health and Safety procedures. For full optimisation of a drug testing programme, it is important you understand how your sourced testing products work and it is vital your staff carrying out the testing procedures is clearly trained to perform testing as per instructions. A sensible fiscal outlay for training results in less wastage, less error with tests, and greater accuracy and streamlining.
CMM Technology offers training and also proficiency testing for the following products they supply:
·                  Oraline Saliva Drug Test
·                  Operation and use of Medix Integrated Pro-Split 6+6 Urine Drug Test
·                  Operation and use of Medix Integrated Pro-Split Urine Drug Test
·                  How to operate and use the Alert J5
·                  How to operate and use the Alcosense PRECISION Breathalyser
·                  How to operate and use the Alcoblow Breathalyser
·                  How to operate and use the HH1 Breathalyser
·                  Onsite Drug Testing Documentation – and shipping procedures for Saliva
The CMM Technology training courses are particularly suitable and convenient because of their online status. These training components and proficiency tests can be performed from your own home or office environment and can therefore be incorporated into your daily work or home routine without the need for expensive and time-consuming away-from-work seminars and sessions. They are also considered a component part of many Risk Management strategies.
Proficiency made easy
CMM Technology also understands your need to keep proficiency testing as smooth and as easy as possible without compromising quality or the need for passing tests that measure a thorough level of understanding. For this reason, they have developed a multi-times proficiency testing approach, which means that your employees or trainees who have found initial proficiency testing difficult, can re-sit the tests again and again until they reach a desired level of capability. This process augments and consolidates the real knowledge and real practice – fundamental to well trained drug and alcohol screeners and testers.
AOD testing is a part of modern business and industry. When next purchasing your drug and alcohol pre screening devices and technologies, be sure to enquire about the thorough device training options offered by CMM Technology. Proper testing procedures and a full understanding of how to perform them will save you and your organisation time, money, difficulty and wastage. Speak with CMM Technology’s specialist staff soon about their up to date online training options for your employees.