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Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Results of Poor Boundaries

Within every personal and professional interaction in our lives, we must set boundaries, both outgoing and incoming. Outgoing boundaries involve not allowing someone to take advantage of your good nature or financial prowess, keeping standards for how you treat someone, and knowing when to shut off communication if it is necessary to do so. Incoming boundaries deal with not allowing toxic or draining people into your life, cutting experiences which you dislike out of your schedule, and setting standards for how others treat you. Workplace drug testing is part of setting company boundaries. When employees are given pre screening tests, your business is able to discern whether standards of company policy are being kept.
Unfortunately, not all people or businesses set proper incoming and outgoing boundaries. How do these boundaries look in the professional world? Well, to begin with, incoming boundaries include things like not accepting substandard products from the manufacturer, not hiring employees who have little or no work experience in their field, and occasionally cutting out a client who refuses to operate in an ethical manner with your business. Drug testing is a part of incoming boundaries. With it, you can make sure that you hire quality employees and that they are abiding by company policy and safety standards.
In the professional world, outgoing boundaries include things like determining which services you will and will not provide, regulating product distribution, standing by your employees, and only delivering the best quality of service to your clients. Employee Drug Testing is also applicable in outgoing boundaries because you make sure that clients receive professionalism and care, and that your other employees are safe from potentially addictive behavior. When these boundaries are not enforced, then work suffers, quality suffers, reputation is stretched thin, and income decreases. This is, of course, the same phenomenon which occurs in one’s personal life. If one is using someone else or allowing themselves to be used, their self respect, their confidence, and their community standing all stand to suffer.
Boundaries are important and that is why CMM Technology enables your business to set proper boundaries using drug and alcohol testing and Screening Tests equipment. Our products are especially helpful for on-site testing, which a pre is screening method used to save time and get your employees back to work as quickly as possible. 

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