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Thursday, 22 November 2012

CMM’s Products

At CMM Technology, we like to think of ourselves as enablers…of workplace safety. We dedicate our company to providing the finest employee Urine Drug Test equipment, the best drug test kits, and the best breathalysers in Western Australia. In our workplace, employee safety is number one, number two, number three, and so on. So we decided to make our whole company about employee safety.

In Working with Emotional Intelligence, by Daniel Goleman, the author describes how employees’ stress level rises as their feelings of insecurity and instability in their job increase. This can be due to unsafe working conditions, or abusive managers or bosses, and it can be due to employee drug abuse or alcohol abuse on or near the worksite. This is a situation where employee safety determines the productivity of a company. If the workers do not feel as if their jobs are safe or as if their working conditions are humane, then they will produce less, work at a much slower pace, and there are far more likely to be emotional uprisings among coworkers. This can lead to volatile emotional situations, or it can lead to physical danger, and even drug abuse on the jobsite out of a sense of necessity. If an employee, who needs to keep their job, feels as if their workplace will never be safe, they may resort to drug abuse or alcohol abuse in order to get through the day. This often results from a feeling of being trapped.

It is important that employees do not encourage this fear in each other by engaging in abusive behavior while at work. CMM Technology provides adulterant tests for just such an analysis. After all, you do want your staff to be fit for duty, right? Alcohol Test is definitely the way to go. Your employees deserve to feel safe, and you deserve to get the highest quality speed and productivity out of your workers. Safety on the jobsite is the way to get this done. Help everyone to feel safe and bold and encouraged to lift your company higher. While you’re at it, check out our oral fluid drug tests when you check out our website.

Friday, 16 November 2012

New Growth Inside the Person

As your employees are working for you and are regularly tested for drugs and alcohol, it is important to remember that high quality workplaces will produce higher quality energy inside those who are new employees. Basically, anyone who works there will find themselves feeling and being much better than when they did not work there, and that is because the jobsite itself is such a high quality environment. Whenever this happens, you will have employees who have new growth inside of themselves. This is a good opportunity to learn about what this new growth really means.

First of all, they will inherently test the strength of this new growth, in order to determine how stable it is and whether or not it will last. This is much like a young child testing an authority figure to see just how strong the authority is. This is a necessary part of the process, so expect them to push back, even if it is just a little.

Secondly, the individual will try to implement this new solid growth in their lives all throughout their lives, which means personal, professional, intimate, casual and the whole nine yards. After they find your strength to be true, they will need to make their whole lives at this minimum level of energy. Unfortunately, due to other people in their lives and circumstances around their personal lives, this may not happen for a while. At this point, consistency in your strength is the best thing you can show them.

Lastly, these individuals will try to grow more. At this stage, they may go about it in various ways, some more obnoxious or aggressive than others. Identify what it is that they are trying to accomplish, and help them to achieve, while also exhibiting and attitude of calm, quiet control.

At CMM Technology, we really want you to succeed at this. Our drug and alcohol test prices are competitive, and drug testing in Western Australia is now possible through our shipping to you. Try our new LifeLoc FC10 personal breathalyser devices, or one of our drug tests, like our Oraline saliva tests.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Life Experience and Job Experience

“We’re sorry. You don’t have enough job experience.” This is a quite common phrase spoken to potential employees during their job interview or in their call back phone interview. It means that they do not have a long enough record in the workforce to be considered competent in the position for which they are applying. At least, that is what it is supposed to mean. In reality, employees often find that they cannot get a job in order to get job experience and they do not have enough job experience in order to get the job. This is, in fact, a slightly misconstrued idea.

Life experience is what they really want you to have. They want evidence that you’re not going to slack off and that you can handle the pressures of the work which they will give you. They want to know for sure that you will not crack under pressure and that you can hold your own in that environment. This is not to say that you should unending abuse or anything like that. However, self respect shows, and your future employers are very adroit at detecting those who have had life experience and those who haven’t. At that point, your resume does not count for very much. At that point in time, your best bet is to have and demonstrate a high emotional intelligence. This emotional maturity will show them that there is less need for you to be tested for drugs and alcohol.

The cost of drug and alcohol testing for a business may make it reconsider whether it really wants to implement these procedures. This is unfortunate, because drug and alcohol test prices are nothing compared to the cost of employee turnaround, potential legal liability, employee accidents and fatalities, company reputation, and even potential accidents from employees going home afterward. Our Oraline saliva drug tests and our LifeLoc FC10 personal breathalyser devices are designed just for a company which will implement regular drug and alcohol screening. Alcohol Testing Australia has never been so easy. Call CMM Technology™ today.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Drug Testing is Needed Now More Than Ever

Drug testing is an essential component during peacetime, but it is even more important during war. With the world being as violent as it is, and war and oppression lurking behind every corner, stress among individuals is particularly high. However, our worksites need to be just as safe and even more stable than they were in the past. Now is the time to breed peace and understanding and discernment and judgment. Now is the time to breed stability on our jobsites. It must start with the individual and their own peace, and that is helped and facilitated by workplace drug testing. At CMM Technology, we pride ourselves on our ability to provide reasonable and affordable drug and alcohol test prices. If the cost of drug and alcohol testing is a factor when deciding the safety and peace and personal development of your employees, then you may not decide for what is best, instead opting for what is most cost effective. CMM Technology holds drug and alcohol test prices at a very reasonable level. In fact, drug testing in Western Australia has never been so easy before our business made high quality tests available at low prices.

Here at CMM Technology™ , we understand the necessity for drug testing during these uncertain times. Drug tests and alcohol tests are important in regulating what energy enters the jobsites, and what attitudes affect production and the quality of the end product…and therefore the end revenue. It does not just help maintain low employee turnover and job satisfaction. It helps employees to feel as if they are working for a competent company which is strong and resilient to outside turmoil, and it will help you feel the same way about your company. Employee alcohol breathalyser tests keep things at work in a nice, low key emotional state, so that everyone is not in a perpetual state of complaining, stress and anxiety. Indeed, drug testing is needed now more than ever. Try our LifeLoc FC10 personal breathalyser device for your alcohol testing needs, and feel free to call us today.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

The Art of Sitting Still and Waiting

In Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, the author describes how a stock speculator is much more likely to make money and to actually keep it if they learn how to sit still. Throughout this very informative narrative text, the author describes his experience on Wall Street around the turn of the century. That would be the last century, not the more recent one. Anyway, the book describes his experiences from age fourteen into his later years, going into heavy detail about human nature and emotional frailty and the influences of men.

There is an art to sitting still and waiting. It is almost a godlike quality, to be able to do this. Human nature rebels against this quality, since it demands that we use wisdom rather than unnatural methods. Sitting still and waiting breeds character in that it requires the human to be discerning as to WHY they are not charging forward with action right away. There is a subtlety to timing. Correct timing is the key to making sure that things go off smoothly and as they should. In the book mentioned above, sometimes the stock operator would sit and watch the markets for weeks or months on end without doing anything. If the market was not right for trading, then it would be unwise and therefore a waste of money to trade during that time.

Doesn’t this principle ring true for different areas of your life? Whenever you have tried to use unnatural methods before their time, doesn’t the result become much worse than if you had just let it be? Sometimes faith is not so much a belief in a higher power, but in the timing of nature and goodness.

To keep your business timed correctly, use drug & alcohol testing on your employees. CMM Technology is one of the alcohol and drug testing equipment suppliers in Australia. Our drug & alcohol test prices are reasonable, and we ship whenever you need us to. Check out the availability of drug testing in Western Australia by checking out our website or calling us today.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Sensitivity to Light

Light brings mood changes in people, not just from a visual standpoint, but it also affect circadian rhythms and serotonin and dopamine levels within people. This is because light itself, of any kind whatsoever, tells us that we are awake and that it is daytime and that our serotonin and dopamine regulators need to start working for our everyday lives. Some people are sensitive to specific types or wavelengths of light, but again this is a specific issue. Light itself is always appreciated and few people are sensitive to basic lighting. What about the people who are, though? This phenomenon occurs when the brain becomes so used to darkness that it begins rewiring itself for darkness. This is simply a form of adaptation that our facile and extremely versatile brains use to accommodate us to our surroundings. Over time, this hardwiring for darkness within the brain can become longer lasting and even permanent, but remember that things in the brain are not really permanent, but simply adapted to short term or long term changes depending upon your needs.

Individuals who regularly use drugs or alcohol, even to a small degree, become very sensitive to light. Since light engages parts of the brain associated with a well rounded personality and positive life experience and interacting with other people, it is understandable that abuse and light sensitivity go hand in hand. Interestingly, the reverse process is true. Since light deprivation decreases the individual’s ability to turn on their serotonin and dopamine receptors, these people are actually more likely to resort to drug abuse or alcoholism in order to receive some high in their lives.

While sensitivity to light is not the be all end all to evaluation of a person’s sanity, it can be a real factor in that, and so it should be considered, along with other factors which affect these neurotransmitters. CMM Technology recommends engaging your company in employee drug and alcohol testing as part of this compensation. Drug and alcohol test prices decrease from year to year, and the cost of drug and alcohol testing is low due to technological advances. Our Lion SD 500 and LifeLoc FC10 personal breathalyser devices are proof of this.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Planning Ahead or Planning Now

Planning ahead is one of the hallmarks of someone who has their life together, but it can still receive a blow from those who love planning but are horrible at following through. It is necessary to follow through on any goals which you have, or you will not make progress on them at all. Unfortunately, the perpetual planners, as I like to call them, can really make a lifestyle out of what they are going to do, and never really make any progress on doing those things. What are some of their excuses and how can you avoid these pitfalls?

 Many perpetual planners make outside circumstances the excuse for not getting anything done, and this is unfortunate, because ANY outside situation or external reason can be completely accounted for, and not just before the project begins, but it can always be accounted for while the project is progressing. Blaming lack of progress on these external reasons is simply inexcusable.

In addition to this, progress takes a backseat when surrounding circumstances are allowed by the individual to take precedence over their individual decisions. There must be a knowledge or understanding that your individual decisions are more valuable and stronger than those of another and of anybody else, no matter how much you admire or respect them. Otherwise, again, progress can be stopped by outside circumstances quite easily.

It involves using new muscles in your body and in your mind, so to speak. It involves thinking and performing in a different way than you ever have performed before. To stick with your guns and your decisions and see them through yourself is not difficult, per se; it just requires a lot of focus and determination and self discipline. It involves fortitude and looking out for yourself. It involves self respect, because that is required to continually value your own plans above the advice or urgent pleading of others.

CMM Technology specializes in drug and alcohol testing equipment for your workplace and other needs. We wish to become your number one customer for drug test and alcohol breathalyser devices.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Australian Society Must be Free

Freedom is a fickle thing, although most people believe it to be a clearly defined term. When people are violated of their perceived rights, half the population can become righteously indignant and half can become happy that rules are being set and followed. There is a certain amount of order which must accompany the freedom, or it is consider by everyone to be anarchy. Freedom for one person would be considered wishy-washy and rootless to another. Freedom comes in many forms, from personal freedom to societal freedom, between two people or between two continents.

In fact, freedom, in its extremely ethereal and highly subjective from is touted as the one thing worth killing for by just about (if not every) nation on earth. And yet, no one can agree about what freedom really is. It’s an interesting little problem, of course, and it means that each individual must personally define what they consider to be free and what they consider to be bondage or violation of those freedoms.

Finally, businesses must also define freedoms within their own ranks and for how they interact with people and with other companies. Apparently, everything must be defined, including alcohol and drug testing. While just about every large and medium sized company implements employee testing, you can bet that they all do it for extremely different reasons. In fact, if you tried to mandate why a company should implement testing, you would probably be met with scoffing and contemptuous laughter. To each his own, and to each company its own.

In the workplace, one must control drug & alcohol testing prices, as well as how regularly they implement said testing. One must decide if every employee will be tested at the same time, or if they will be staggered over several time periods, and if there is to be random testing available for dispatch. Drug testing in Western Australia is full of possibilities. You could even implement just drug testing, like with our Oraline drug tests or our Medix Drug Test, and only use our LifeLoc FC10 personal breathalyser devices when they seem to be necessary due to apparent drunken behavior. The possibilities are endless.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Stable Minds and Higher Returns

There is something to be said for high quality self discipline. When people think of self discipline, particularly those who are not disciplined at all, they often think of sacrifice or self sacrifice, neither of which seems like something that they would wish to invest in. however, self discipline should really be thought of as a form of investment. When someone has a quiet stabile mind, they are able to review and evaluate services and production without allowing those things to affect themselves. It is this devotion to taking care of your own boundaries which assures that others cannot cross over them and which gives you the inner confidence to know that you can easily and successfully defend your own personal boundaries.

Stable minds come from exercising self discipline with regard to your own decisions. Your decisions should be made for yourself and for only yourself. Other people can be benefitted by them, but they should not be the reason why you make them. As long as your own personal needs and desires are not being directly met by your decisions, then you are sabotaging yourself in a pretty direct way. However, the counter-argument might be about being selfish and not allowing anyone else into your world.

Setting and enforcing personal boundaries and making decisions on your own behalf are not selfish. Deliberately stepping on someone else who you dislike in order to get there might be, but the original reasons are for your own benefit. You cannot give love to others when you have not given yourself any love. You cannot pour compliments and praise upon others if you do not first pour compliments and praise upon yourself. The proof is in the pudding. If you cannot give something effectively to other people, then you may not have any of it to give. First, fill up your own reservoirs, then pump it out to neighboring oil wells.

CMM Technology believes in protecting your own assets and in setting proper business boundaries with your employees. Our line of drug and alcohol testing equipment is available for your company purchase and use at any time.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Solidifying New Foundations

Humans grow by their very nature, and through this growth, they find new truth and new love, both of which are necessary in order to even survive. However, when we reach new territory in our personal growth, it becomes necessary to solidify our new foundation before we can build anything on top of it. How does one go about solidifying new behavior and new information? Should you keep going and keep growing, stopping only long enough to spy the next target and then push towards it?

The truth that habits are built gradually, but new growth can occur rapidly. It is important to habituate previous good behavior and information utilization in order to have a higher habit to return to if new growth should give way. In other words, if you do not work on making your new foundations stronger, then if something up ahead should not be reliable, you have much farther to fall and must start back over again at a much lower level. If you think about it, this is similar to building a large tree house.

In the beginning, you must make sure that the ladder is well anchored at the top and at the bottom and that it is strong in between to support a variety of weights. If the ladder should go, then you could fall. Next, the foundation of the tree house must be built on strong core branches or it will break and you will be back to standing on the ladder. After that, you must make sure that the walls of your tree are perfectly aligned and nailed to the tree for extra support. The roof must be able to withstand rain, snowdrifts, and hail.

If, at any point during the building process, the next level is not built sturdily enough, you can end up on the ground with a broken bone or two. Each new foundation of the house must be built as strong and as solidly as the last. Habits are these solidified foundations in our lives, upon which we fall when new growth in our lives does not hold up. While growing can be fun and occur rapidly, concentrate your time on the habit.
For information about solidifying your business through Screening Tests and alcohol testing.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Science and Marijuana: The Gray Area Drug

A book by Clifford Pickover, titled The Beginner’s Guide to Immortality, discusses many different topics in a well-organized but seemingly erratic way. The focus of the topics included the effects that mind altering drugs have on the general populace’s views on immortality. Pickover cited several past scientists who supported the theory that Jesus Christ was believed to have used mind altering drugs in some of his healing practices. He also cites scientists who have attempted to study the health and mental benefits of marijuana, but of their subsequent failures receiving appropriate clearances to do so from the Food and Drug Administration in the United States, as well as other blocks received in other countries of study.

The interesting thing about Pickover’s research is that harder, more toxic drugs, such as heroin and LSD, were able to be researched quite easily and, if the marijuana research proposals hinted at finding the detrimental (as opposed to the positive) side effects of marijuana, they were also approved. This means that there are widespread restrictions placed upon the study of possible beneficial side effects of marijuana, whereas the same restrictions seem to be nowhere applied to the study of potential benefits of drugs such as LSD and heroin. Why would this be the case?

It seems that, since marijuana is a gray area drug, one that does not easily fit into a hard drug category, there is greater concern among the medical community and the regulatory commissions that it may become a worldwide commodity which everyone ingests or inhales on a regular basis, like many other prescription drugs.

Whether or not it is legal, marijuana is still easily obtained and it is still a mind altering drug. For that reason, implementing employee drug and alcohol testing in your company is the best solution to keep your assets protected and safe. The cost of drug and alcohol testing does not have to exorbitant. CMM Technology provides drug tests and many breathalysers such as the Lifeloc FC10 Plus. Drug testing in Australia is easily available now.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Riding the Wave of Anger

Anger is an effective tool, and it is used for many destructive purposes, both rational and irrational. Through anger, we can fight back against our deepest fears, and we can also realize some of our most hidden dreams. Anger is a hot, fiery, driving force which can settle into cold actions and become extremely destructive or it can push someone forward, faster and faster, with more determination and drive, to accomplish what they have set out to do. Many things can cool anger, from understanding to respect to abject terror to forgiveness, and it may well be worth it to cool anger long enough to establish a good line of communication between two people. However, it can also be used to realize goals and dreams, but it must be harnessed properly for that.

Anger, in order to be useful, must be unemotional. In other words, anger must take on an unemotional slant, where it is being used as fuel, but not as the ignition or the fire itself. When individuals succumb to anger and explode or become violent, they are using it as the ignition and the fire, but not as steadily burned fuel to satisfy a productive requirement.

Again, anger is a tool, not a weapon, and should never be used as such.

When employees show up to work under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they are succumbing to emotions which they are not holding under control, but to which they are giving their power and their resources. It is unfortunate that so many people abuse these substances, since it deprives them of power and discernment and abundance, slowly starving them of their life and of all the good things which they used to hold dear. Isn’t it interesting how we promise ourselves one thing, and then deliver another?

CMM Technology provides high quality drug and alcohol testing products for the workplace, including drug tests and alcohol breathalyser devices. We aim to help you maintain control over your business systems by providing high quality drug testing equipment for your company’s drug testing needs.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Marijuana and Compounded Relaxation

Some of the most productive people in the world engage in what is known as “relaxed alertness.” They are able to take full and total pride in their work and even their rest periods are spent physically resting their bodies while psychologically and mentally they are ready to get up and ready for the off at a moment’s notice. It is this relaxed state of alertness which allows them to go from rest to work to rest again without having to boost and then subdue their own energy. They become appreciatively both awake and rested at all times of the day. This is a powerful gift to have, one that is subsequently destroyed by repeated marijuana use. Why? The reason is that of compounded relaxation.

We have all heard of how you can compound your money if you save it in your local bank or money market fund. However, lots of things can be compounded over time, especially in ways that they were never meant to be compounded. One of these is relaxation. If you compound relaxation, you end up in a sort of daze or dead state or overtly self satisfied form of laziness. This is not a normal human state to be in, at least not when you are healthy. This state is caused by multiple marijuana abuse.

What makes a difference between marijuana and the decision to just be lazy? First of all, if you are outright deciding to be lazy, there is not a lot of difference. When you subject yourself to drug abuse, you are essentially allowing the world to take responsibility for your life for you, and you do not care about the outcome. It is a sense of wanting or needing to let go and not be in charge anymore. While that may be a temporary feeling of relief, it soon becomes what it is: a way to let go of responsibility over your own life. At that point, you really do not have a right to complain about what the world then does with your life. You already gave it up.

CMM Technology supports employee drug & alcohol testing, and our drug test and alcohol breathalyser tests show this support.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Regular Payments and Income

At this point in time, we would like to point out some investment basics which apply to every other part of your life, and which seem to be consistently and continually forgotten in today’s world of rushing about and attempting to come out with the next biggest thing to satisfy the consumer market. It is not, in fact, about always kicking out some new model or some new and innovative gimmick. It is about dependability and stability, especially in the instability of the world market today. It is important to be that lighthouse flashing out safety warnings in the midst of the storm. It is not important to come up with a bigger and better storm.

In investment, you put in a set amount of dollars or whatever currency you trade in, and the interest, dividends or payments from this principal is supposed to come in on a regular basis, as regular payments and regular income. Some investments have varied monthly payments as different stocks or bonds within the fund come due at different times, while others have steady continuous payments at a fixed price, such as an individual investment in a bond or a certificate of deposit at your bank.

The point is that, while the money is free and liquid and within your grasp, yes you can perhaps grow it in certain ways, but you are far more likely to spend it, and the ways that you can grow it quickly are unreliable, uninsured, and not steady and continuous. In business, the sort of investment you put into your entrepreneurship and your employees and your customers should carry the same safety and bonds as this steady type of financial investment, which is much more likely to actually yield good results and safe, steady growth of your money.

CMM Technology provides drug and alcohol testing equipment to businesses throughout Australia and select countries, and our products are high quality and reliable, just like a safe investment. In addition to that, our company itself is steady and dependable, and we are prepared to do business with you for many years to come.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Is Goal Setting Detrimental?

We are all often told to be sure to set goals and remember important milestones in our lives which we would like to meet. This is all very well and good…and a little trite…but what happens when these goals continually fall through, and nobody believes that their goals will actually be accomplished? It sure sounds as if there is a missing step in this process. There is. Goal setting involves one more factor which is necessary to both personal and professional development: believability. Believability is the amount that a given goal seems realistic or attainable to you. It does not matter how attainable it seems to someone else. It only matters what your own opinion of it is. If it does not seem to be attainable in your own mind, then you are actually pushing the goal away, both with your energy and your actions, because you do not want to invest any further in it until you believe that it can actually be accomplished.

In the workplace, believability holds just as much if not more sway. Not only do you have to set goals which seem realistic and attainable to your own mind, but if you announce them publicly, they must be goals which seem attainable to the minds of relevant peers in your life. If not, their scorn alone can cause you to lose hope and just give up. At this point in time, remember that it is not what type of goal it is that matters, but your willingness to push through all obstacles to get to it that matters. At this point in time, remember that goals are meant to be challenging, rather than easy steps up. If they were easy steps up, rather than a craggy mountain to climb, they would be items on your to-do list, rather than goals for the future. They would not bear much importance at all.

Set goals for your company policies by investing in better drug and alcohol test prices. The cost of drug and alcohol testing does not have to be high. Purchase our drug tests, our LifeLoc FC10 personal breathalyser devices, our Medix equipment, and our Oraline drug tests.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Diplomacy and Wisdom

In wartime, strategy is almost as important as numbers, technology and brute force. For example, if a battle absolutely must be lost, it is far better to retreat or surrender and then return later on with renewed troops, supplies and intelligence, rather than losing more lives trying to win a losing battle. Strategy is always this important, because it means that the individual or leadership can view reality for what it really is and manipulate their armies to more relevant and important places, losing as few lives as possible. Wisdom and diplomacy tie hand in hand, for without one it is very difficult to develop the other. Wisdom means that you are able to see the depth and reason behind certain situations and people, and you are able to act based upon the core reason rather than based upon the perceived reason. Diplomacy means that you take your decision and present it to others in the most effective and efficient manner, while also keeping their own humanity and emotional reactions in mind.

In business, wisdom see beyond all of the progress reports and actually looks at real situations and real people and who is influential and who is not. Diplomacy may or may not involve kissing up, but it certainly involves behaving kindly and generously, even when customers, coworkers or even executives are cranky, difficult, or incompetent. The two of these working together, wisdom and diplomacy, form a wonderful union based upon self reliance and competency. When implementing drug and alcohol testing, wisdom and diplomacy come into play here, as well. For example, wisdom would make an employer expect a certain amount of employee turnover and prepare him or her for proper methods of determining recruitment and job safety. Diplomacy would involve using drug tests as a scientific evaluation, rather than giving in to emotion and hiring and firing people based purely upon gut instinct and likeability.

CMM Technology keeps everyone in sync by being one of the best alcohol and drug testing equipment suppliers in Australia. We provide drug tests, such as Oraline saliva, and breathalysers, such as Lion SD 500.

Monday, 28 May 2012

What I’ve Observed about Words

Words are one of the most powerful tools and forces in the universe. Through words, we can document events and thoughts which happened in the past and spread this information around to many thousands of other humans. Through words, we can communicate effectively with each, expressing both thoughts and very vague and ethereal ideas. Through words, we can give commands to physically harm someone, and we can inflict direct emotional damage onto those with whom we are having a disagreement. Clearly, words are very powerful, very forceful, and carry a ton of weight with everyone.
I’ve observed that drug addiction and alcoholism does not just take its toll upon the individual himself. It also takes its toll upon all of the relationships which touch that individual, starting first with the words. From the words, all sorts of things can arise but the words come first. Even after physical abuse and verbal abuse and property damage and emotional havoc have been wreaked upon loved ones, the sign that the relationship is over is marked heavily by the lack of words. Where there are no words, there is no relationship…of any kind.
Children who are not able to use the spoken word are often marked as autistic or some level of mental deficiency. While this may or may not be true, the level of competency is determined by their ability to use words. In many cases, autistic and mentally incompetent children are segregated from their classmates and taught in a private school area of their own, where their teachers have been taught first aid and how to “manage” them. To a small degree, children who cannot use words are almost considered not to be human, or at least not fully human.
Drug testing in the workplace neither judges nor discriminates based upon word usage. The test is performed based upon company policy and likelihood of abuse of substances by the individual. Employee drug testing is scientific and does not offer an opinion upon humanity or any other living being. It is about numbers and data and clean, clear-cut information. 

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Resolving Dissention about Drug Testing

It will come as no surprise to you that some of your employees feel that employee drug testing is both barbaric and in violation of their privacy. We are sure that they have used even more colorful phrases to describe this process, but you get the idea. Dissention can cause a lot of problems, including causing otherwise contented employees to feel that their job is unfair and unreasonable and to complain openly about this, causing even further dissention. This is not something which you can necessarily control or “crack down on,” but it is something which you can resolve, much as you would resolve conflict in an employee dispute.

The first step in resolving dissention is to give your employees more room to breathe and allow them to voice their opinions openly and in a safe, secure setting. Much like bottling poison, the more you try to wall it in, the more concentrated it can become. Instead, dilute and diminish the energy by giving your employees more space, instead of less. Not only will they feel less out of control, but they will be able to get a lot off their minds which may have been festering during their career with you. This is not just a matter of “clearing the air,” but of helping them feel more in control of their surroundings, and therefore heard and valued and more content with their jobs.

The second step in resolving dissention about drug testing is to be open and honest and clear about the physical steps involved, as well as the financial and relational reasons why they are being implemented. In fact, it has been proven many times that employees who understand why and how they are being tested are more likely to actually support Recalibration Service, rather than find fault with it. It is a matter of knowledge leading to understanding. Tell your employees to ask you any questions which they may have about the process or the underlying reasons, and then be sure to follow through with coherent and detailed explanations of what is going on and why you are doing it that way.