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Tuesday 16 October 2012

Planning Ahead or Planning Now

Planning ahead is one of the hallmarks of someone who has their life together, but it can still receive a blow from those who love planning but are horrible at following through. It is necessary to follow through on any goals which you have, or you will not make progress on them at all. Unfortunately, the perpetual planners, as I like to call them, can really make a lifestyle out of what they are going to do, and never really make any progress on doing those things. What are some of their excuses and how can you avoid these pitfalls?

 Many perpetual planners make outside circumstances the excuse for not getting anything done, and this is unfortunate, because ANY outside situation or external reason can be completely accounted for, and not just before the project begins, but it can always be accounted for while the project is progressing. Blaming lack of progress on these external reasons is simply inexcusable.

In addition to this, progress takes a backseat when surrounding circumstances are allowed by the individual to take precedence over their individual decisions. There must be a knowledge or understanding that your individual decisions are more valuable and stronger than those of another and of anybody else, no matter how much you admire or respect them. Otherwise, again, progress can be stopped by outside circumstances quite easily.

It involves using new muscles in your body and in your mind, so to speak. It involves thinking and performing in a different way than you ever have performed before. To stick with your guns and your decisions and see them through yourself is not difficult, per se; it just requires a lot of focus and determination and self discipline. It involves fortitude and looking out for yourself. It involves self respect, because that is required to continually value your own plans above the advice or urgent pleading of others.

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