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Friday, 31 May 2013

Good Humor, Good Agenda

You may have seen that when you are in the presence of someone who is in a good humor your own mood lifts as well. That is a really powerful transfer of good humor, and not everyone recognizes the value in such mental and emotional habits. After all, if you cannot see the value in this, you are not as likely to project a positive, upbeat attitude yourself. You will need to invest more into the philosophy that people attract the good humor which they put out. Now, this is not science, because we all affect other people and we all have a positively or negatively inclined position to take from their opinions and attitudes. There really is no way around this truth. People react to each other. We are not, as it turns out, a group of robots who are trying to figure out our own programming and then how to program ourselves in tune with other robots.

It turns out, humans cannot help but react toward each other in different ways.

This means that if you have good humor on the worksite, you automatically have a better agenda than those who do not. It means that your focus is on positive, productive thinking, rather than failure or unproductive laziness.

Maintain this good humor in your employees through the use of employee drug testing. Screening tests, like our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6, are designed with inbuilt adulterant tests, and then our breathalyser devices are really high quality, as well. Keeping the good agenda of a positive attitude can only be obtained through employees who are clear headed and in their right minds. Drug testing and alcohol tests are necessary to determine who is clear minded and who is not as able to withstand the pull or influence of their abusive habits.

There is nothing quite like finding a technique that works in your company and then continuing to implement it in the future until it no longer holds out. It is a bit like riding a wave of success all the way out to the shore. 

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Thursday, 30 May 2013

Function versus Form

In the business world, the contest between function and form may appear to be ridiculous. After all, if it does not have function, then it is just clutter! However, many other people see the value in the aesthetic appeal and spiritual lifting from a high quality artistic piece.

While the battle, if you can call it that, between function and form seems to be fairly evenly scored, you will likely not find very many people who are not leaning toward one more than toward the other.

Function and form combined is obviously the best approach, or seemingly so to many people, and by this token, many companies focus on making their functional products more streamlined, beautiful and appealing, while other businesses are more focused on making their pieces have intrinsic productive value in addition to their beauty and aesthetic appeal.

CMM Technology, a high quality company distributing drug test equipment and breathalyser devices throughout Australia, recognizes that while drug test kits may not be very pretty in appearance, they perform a very useful and necessary functional purpose. Of all of our products, some are nicer looking than others, but the whole concept of drug testing in Western Australia can seem to be a bit distasteful from an aesthetic viewpoint.

Fortunately, we have a great deal of experience in this function, as well as appreciating form whenever we come across it in museums, sculpture, product design, or the style of clothing. However, we consider our urine drug tests and oral fluid drug tests to be more functional than good in form, and we really are not preferential toward other, similar products. You see, we know that our drug test kits work, and while others from competing companies may be more streamlined in appearance, they may not always be as functional. And when it comes to screening tests, are you not looking for functioning tests?

Onsite drug testing is available through our sister site, Mediscreen, but our primary function is the distribution of high quality drug test equipment. Form can be found in the way that you use the information once you receive it from your screening equipment. 

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Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Fear of Your Inexperience

If you know about how to put a show together, then starting a job as a stagehand is not a difficult experience. However, if you have just begun a new job, then you know that you are inexperienced and need to learn new and better ways to dealing with things that you do not understand.

Now, in the case of a new job, everyone who works around you knows that you are inexperienced. They give you all kinds of slack so that you can learn the ropes without being too harshly criticized right away. In the end, though, you are expected to have learned the new steps and the latest basic processes for accomplishing your new task and company goals.

Of course, if you are not starting a new job, then you may not necessarily be understood to be new at something. At this point, you will be expected to fulfill the requirements of your desired goal without messing it up.

That is a lot of pressure to put on someone, and unless you ask for more instruction and information, the new tasks of adulthood can really be too much for you to handle at one time, which is why some adults resort to drinking or drugs in order to handle the additional pressures of their lives.

Of course, this is not constructive, but it does make you forget how little about the world around you that you really know. Now, if it helps, understand that everyone, no matter who they are, is easily confronted with situations about their lives which they would like to handle better. You are not alone in this. However, if you still believe that you are, remember that drugs or drinking is not the way to get to more knowledge and experience.

CMM Technology helps you to identify employees who are just along for the ride and those who actually wish to contribute something worthwhile to your company. Employee drug testing is essential for seeing who is fit for duty and who is not. Do not worry about fear of your inexperience. Try our alcohol tests, and know that we will provide you with all of the information you will need for your drug testing in Western Australia.

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Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Building and Resting New Muscles

When you work out at a gym, you must necessarily focus on lighter weights until your muscles become attuned to that particular weight level. After that, you can work out with slightly heavier weights. The most important part of this is the form of the weight lifting. After you have slowly and with a great deal of control lifted the weight, you must be able to use the same amount of control putting it back in its original starting position.

After this control has been attained for a while at the current level, you can then see if similar control can be attained at a slightly higher level.

The point of the above short lesson on weight lifting is showing the process of muscle building. Now, muscle resting involves just as much work. When you work out and your muscles are sore afterward, it is necessary to allow them to rest so that old muscles fibers can be torn down and replaced by new muscles fibers.

When in the workplace, old, outdated behavior and attitudes need to be replaced by newer, healthier functions if the previous functions are not working as well. Of course, change is always subjective. Now, when an employee stirs up some trouble, you can imagine how easily their trouble can spread to other employees if they are not dealt with in an appropriate manner.

Employee drug testing allows people to work together knowing that they are safe from rampant and uncontrolled misbehavior from other people around them. It gives employees confidence in the environment in which they operate each day.

Alcohol breathalyser devices, oral fluid drug tests, and urine drug tests are all used in making the determination between the workers who are building the company up and the ones who are atrophying in their places. When building and resting muscles, you must have a set plan for working out and then resting afterward, but both parts are necessary.

Help your workers be more fit for duty by placing drug testing guidelines in your company, and by recalibrating your breathalysers with our breathalyser recalibration service. We’re looking for the strongest clients and the ones which need to become strong: (+61) 1300 79 70 30.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Sharing the Positives of Employee Drug and Alcohol Testing

It is unfortunate that workplace drug and alcohol testing is often couched in negative terms because there are so many positive actions it initiates. Most policies begin with positive statements but then proceed to list a host of “don’ts” and disciplinary measures should an employee break the rules. What gets lost in the administration of drug and alcohol policies and random testing procedures is an appreciation for the benefits that accrue to workers, co-workers, and the business.

Most news stories about illicit drugs or alcohol concern issues like drug cartels, substance use in high risk industries like mining, and on-the-job accidents involving someone under the influence of a substance. Just recently a news story reported that the police were concerned about reports received concerning FIFO and DIDO mine workers performing job duties with alcohol in their systems. The same article also noted an increase in the use of steroids and amphetamines in Moranbah.1 Happy-ending stories do not usually make the headlines. Yet there are many such stories, and they should be shared in the workplace.

Catalyst for Changing Lives

In 2008, the Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) conducted a project in which the agency collected positive stories about drug and alcohol treatment and rehabilitation.2 Some of the stories involve people who tested positive for drugs at work and decided to seek treatment in order to keep their jobs. The truth is that drug and alcohol test can be the catalyst for changing people’s lives. Though an employer does substance testing to exercise due diligence in protecting the safety and health of employees, the people who choose to take the path to recovery, when it is discovered they are using illicit substances, turn a negative experience into a positive one.

Australia has chosen to emphasise harm minimisation programs. However, there is a different but compatible strategy called ‘new recovery’ that takes a more holistic approach to drug and alcohol addiction. The new recovery approach sees recovery as existing on a continuum of well-being and involving a continual process of change. Though there is ongoing discussion concerning the best approach for implementation of a complex, holistic rehabilitation process that may include pharmacotherapy, it is recognised that the ultimate goal is to return people to productive lives. William White, a new recovery advocate, said, “Recovering addicts repay their debt to the community through acts of restitution, by returning to productive roles in their families and workplaces, and by putting resources into the community rather than taking resources out of the community.”3

Employers are important partners in the national effort to minimise drug and alcohol use. The workplace represents a productive centre in people’s lives. Employers have an interest in maintaining a safe workplace and a productive workforce, and drug and alcohol policies and testing programs are critical to achieving those goals. However, instead of making the word “no” the keyword in the program, employers should use also say “yes” to sharing success stories.

Employee anonymity can, and should be, maintained, but the workforce will be greatly inspired by stories of success. Employers should review their employee drug and alcohol policy training programs and determine if they emphasise the positive aspects of a substance free workforce. If they do not, then it is time to add some affirmations.

CMM Technology ( facilitates a drug and alcohol free workplace by providing the testing technology employers need. Promoting a positive employee attitude towards the testing program depends on being able to obtain highly accurate results.

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Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Small Businesses Attracting Big Substance Abusers

Not all businesses are large corporations. Though there are varying methods for delineating businesses by size, the Australian Bureau of Statistics defines a medium sized business as having 20-199 employees; a small business as having 0-19 employees; and a micro business as employing four or less people. Small businesses (including micro businesses) account for a major portion of the Australian economy, comprising 85 percent of the services industry, 6 percent of manufacturing, 6 percent of agriculture, forestry and fishing, and 3 percent of mining. In other words, small business is big business in Australia, accounting for over 99 percent of the number of all active businesses. In addition, almost half of employed Australians work in small businesses. Small businesses employ approximately 4.7 million out of 10 million people, and medium sized businesses employ another 2 million.1

These statistics are presented to show the importance of having a drug and alcohol policy and random testing program, without regard for business size. With over 7 million Australians employed in small to medium sized businesses, and many having no drug and alcohol testing program in place, there is likelihood that a large number of people are performing customer services, making products, and driving company vehicles under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Is it any wonder that substance abusers writing comments in forums are discussing getting jobs in small businesses because they will not have to pass a drug test during pre-employment or worry about getting caught by a drug test whilst employed?

A ‘Friend of a Friend’ on Drugs is Not Business Friendly

It is true. Substance abusers love small to medium sized businesses that do not have a drug and alcohol policy or testing program. The reasons small business owners fail to add these operational policies and procedures vary from “too expensive” to “not necessary.” That attitude increases the risk of a business experiencing lost productivity, poor employee decision making, higher accident rates, and increased liability exposure. Ironically, a small business is less able to absorb the mistakes that people under the influence are known to make, and the costs that accompany employee drug use, like increased health care premiums and legal fees. When an employee drives a company vehicle and gets in a serious wreck, it does not matter at that point if the company employs three people or three hundred people. Either way, the employer will be held fully or partially responsible, and especially if there is no drug and alcohol policy or testing program.

Many chronic substance abusers are innovative. Believing they cannot pass a pre-employment drug test at a large corporation, they look for jobs with small and medium sized companies that do not test for drugs and alcohol. Unfortunately, there are still many such employers. The implication is clear: a large number of the heaviest drug and alcohol workers will be found in smaller businesses.

There are misconceptions about drug and alcohol testing that persist despite numerous government information campaigns. Employers believe they are opening themselves up for accusations of invading employee privacy rights or that testing is expensive. Small businesses tend to hire people through referrals, meaning there is a more personal association between the employer and employee. Employers may feel uncomfortable testing someone who is a ‘friend of a friend.”

No Safe Haven

All businesses need to establish a detailed drug and alcohol policy that clearly explains the workplace policy on substance use and explains when and why testing would take place. Clearly explaining how usage of drugs or alcohol will impair work performance provides legal defensibility should a tested employee file a complaint. It really does not matter if a business is small or large or an office or mine because occupational safety and health are workplace issues affecting all workers.2 Pre-employment testing is an effective step for stemming the flow of substance abusers to smaller businesses. Random testing reinforces the policy and represents the exercise of due diligence in keeping the workplace substance free.

Small and medium sized employers do not want drug and alcohol users to view their business as a safe haven. There are very affordable tests and testing services that can be adapted to any business setting and budget. CMM Technology at works with small, medium, and large businesses, providing high quality drug and alcohol testing technology. There is simply no reason to put a company at risk of damage due to any employee using drugs and alcohol in the workplace.

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Making Sure Random Testing is Really Random

Random drug and alcohol testing of workers in safety critical positions is an appropriate workplace strategy. Random testing is one type of testing strategy, with the others being pre-employment, post workplace accident or injury, for-cause, and post-rehabilitation. Though safety critical positions are the first focus, some employers also randomly test other employees to ensure that illicit substances and alcohol are not being used in the workplace. The decision as to which workers should be included in the drug and alcohol testing program depends on the risks inherent in the type of business and industry and the particular work performed. However, no matter how many departments or how widespread testing is applied, a random testing program must be truly random to minimise the possibility of bias charges or legal claims of discrimination.

In other words, a random drug and alcohol testing program needs to be truly random. The word ‘random’ is defined as making something happen without a conscious decision where there are equal chances for an occurrence. In the workplace, the random testing program means that each member of an identified population has an equal chance of being selected for drug and alcohol testing. A population may be all workers, certain departments or divisions, or particular job titles. For example, the NSW Police Force Drug and Alcohol Policy states that random drug and alcohol testing applies only to police officers.1 Whatever population is chosen, the employer should be prepared to defend its choice of groups or job titles based on characteristics like workplace safety or health.

Non-Biased Selection Protects Employers

Random drug and alcohol testing is an effective strategy with its element of surprise. Just recently, it was revealed that ten council workers employed in safety sensitive roles in Wellington, New Zealand were terminated between 2008 and 2013 for repeatedly failing drug tests. Nine of the employees were caught as a result of random testing for drugs and alcohol. The safety sensitive positions were in operations, and the employees were involved machinery or had interaction with the public. The workers were only terminated after failing second or more tests, despite completing a substance rehabilitation programme.2

One of the first points that will be contested should a worker get a true positive test result is the randomness of the test. If the person seems to continually come up in the random selection whilst others are never tested, the randomness will undoubtedly be questioned. Ideally, employers will use a third party vendor supplied computer-generated selection process to ensure employee numbers are selected in a non-biased manner. One of the advantages of using a vendor is that the selection results are maintained by both the vendor and the employer and are accessible should there be claims of discriminatory practices. All employers need to document the random selection process used. If the random selection is managed in-house, there should be more than one person serving as a witness during selection and test results saved.

The Same Chances Over and Over Again

Interestingly, a person will have a statistical probability of their employee ID being drawn, and the number can come up more than once. What makes the selection random is the fact the person has the same probability of being chosen as anyone else during any given selection process.

To ensure a random drug and alcohol program is effective, a testing schedule should not be posted. The employer needs to inform new hires, and current employees through workforce training programs, that random drug and alcohol testing will be conducted and the procedures used to carry out the testing. However, there should be a very small amount of time between the notification a person receives and the actual testing. Minimising the time between notification and testing makes it difficult for an employee to take adulterants or find ways to delay testing.

Employers can get immediate on-site results using testing equipment that meets Australian Standards, like the OralineSaliva and Lion Alcoblow. In the highest risk industries, urine testing is used, but a number of employers use urine testing mostly for re-testing to confirm positive results.

Random drug and alcohol testing programs need to be truly random to be an effective strategy for maintaining a substance free workplace. CMM Technology ( has a wide selection of products for onsite testing and sample collection.

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The Broad Reach of Drug and Alcohol Policies and Procedures

Businesses develop a myriad of goals that range from increasing diversity in the workforce to achieving profit goals. These goals are achieved through the implementation of supporting policies and procedures and the dedicated effort of a talented workforce. It takes a myriad of policies and procedures to address the goals, and some are limited in scope and target particular people or departments. For example, the credit and collections policy and procedures are designed to help the company achieve an accounts receivable collection goal. However, there are also policies and procedures that are more pervasive, in that they contribute to the workplace culture and the company-wide goals, as opposed to department goals. Drug and alcohol policies and procedures fit this category because they impact the entire organisation and its stakeholders and are not limited to a particular department or function.

Drug and alcohol policies and procedures are critical to workplace safety and health, and that impacts everyone in the organisation. They are proof of a commitment to the welfare of all stakeholders. Stakeholders are defined as people who are affected by or can have an effect on a business effort or who have a strong interest in the effort, even if not directly connected to it or the company. What can be overlooked in terms of the benefits conveyed by drug and alcohol policies and procedures is that stakeholders include employees, the Board of Directors, customers, investors, competitors, funding organisations, and the general public. Though non-customers do not conduct business with the company, they are put at risk in a number of ways when employees use drugs and alcohol, thus turning people outside the circle of business operations into stakeholders also.

Reaching Out to the Community

Workers impaired by substance use or abuse are more likely to have vehicle accidents, make consumer product production errors, put family members at risk of harm, and overburden the national legal and health care systems. These are harms occurring outside the business and in the general community. Businesses that earn a reputation for tolerating substance abuse, have no drug and alcohol policies, or have a high rate of incidences involving employee drug and alcohol abuse will harm their brand image in the marketplace. In other words, drugs and alcohol have a reach that extends far beyond the employees. That reach extends out into the community, making substance abuse a business, social, legal and economic issue.

As such, drug and alcohol policies must contribute to organisational goals in the broadest and not narrowest sense. Employers owe a responsibility to workers and to the public to provide the safest workplace possible, which means taking all reasonable steps to ensure risks are controlled as much as possible. A failure to develop a drug and alcohol policy or to perform random employee drug testing is a failure to implement reasonable steps to develop the safest possible workplace.1 This perspective is different from the perspective that views drug and alcohol polices and testing as optional.

Stakeholder Interests

Large corporations acknowledge that safety is a matter of stakeholder interests. Mobil Refining Australia defines safety as a core value of the organisation and a “shared value that shapes decision-making all the time, at every level, in everything we do.”2 The company seeks to prevent incidents from happening that could harm the refinery personnel, contractors, and the local community. Mobil Refining sees safety as an issue workers must take personal responsibility for and the safety policy stresses, “to all employees, contractors, and others working on its behalf their responsibility and accountability for safe performance on the job and encourage(s) safe behaviour off the job.”

Note that workers are asked to exhibit safe behaviour on and off the job. The Drug and Alcohol Policies are in place to send a clear message that the company sees substance abuse as a safety issue that can threaten the safety of “employees, others involved in its operations, customers and the public,” or in other words, all stakeholders.

Drug and alcohol policies protect businesses and the people they serve and interact with on a daily basis. CMM Technology at offers consulting services in areas of drug and alcohol policy development for testing practices as a component of risk management systems. 

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Saturday, 4 May 2013

Consequences of Using Synthetic Cannabis

The dangers of synthetic cannabis have been known for quite a while. In fact, there is a synthetic drug saliva test now available that can detect this substance. The illicit drug manufacturers are quite crafty in their attempts to produce drugs able to escape detection from conventional drug tests, but quality drug testing services have proven they are up to the challenge of detecting this particular synthetic drug. However, what cannot be known until time passes are all the long-term effects on the human body after repeatedly using synthetic cannabis. However, that is changing because medical researchers recently reported they linked synthetic marijuana use to acute kidney injury.

The branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and management of kidney disease is called nephrology. It was University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama (USA) nephrologists who recently reported in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology that drugs like Kronic (also known as K2 and SPICE) have been linked to acute kidney injury. In the past, there were documented cases of acute coronary syndrome associated with synthetic marijuana use, but doctors have not associated the drug with kidney injury before now. If the patients had continued to use the substance, they would have likely had permanent kidney damage due to the death of kidney cells. The word “linked” instead of “caused” is used because it may be the unknown additives in synthetic marijuana that caused the kidney injury, rather than the cannabinoid.1

Profoundly and Extremely Dangerous

For employers, it does not matter if it is the cannabinoid or the additive compounds that are causing kidney damage. All that matters is, 1) a worker under the influence of a cannabinoid presents workplace safety issues due to temporary mental and physical impairment, and 2) the health impacts of substance abuse will cause productivity declines and increased medical expenses. It is important for employers to take advantage of medical science advances that now enable workplace saliva drug testing for synthetic marijuana like Kronic.

Anyone believing that cannabinoid use does not signify a serious drug problem is mistaken. Just recently, Newcastle psychiatrist Dr. Allan White was quoted as saying that cannabis products are “profoundly and extremely dangerous.” He should know because the medical professional has been treating synthetic cannabis patients for years. His patients have substance induced medical problems like respiratory disease, depression, and psychosis.”2

Employers need to be aware of all the known dangers associated with synthetic cannabis use. A 2012 Australian study of Kronic users indicated that 78 percent of people surveyed were employed and 70 percent of those surveyed had used Kronic 10 or more times. Another point employers need to keep in mind is that Kronic use is not limited to the very young. The study subjects were 18 to 64 years old and 25 percent were 35 years old or older. It can be ingested using a waterpipe or bong, joint, or pipe, but it is also eaten, making it simple to use in the workplace. Reported side effects include decreased motor coordination, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, confusion, dissociation, panic, headache, nausea, vomiting, in addition to depression and psychosis, all of which can seriously affect job performance.

Informed Employers

There is one more reason to drug test for synthetic cannabis. It reinforces the fact the employer stays current on substance abuse issues and will not tolerate use of any substance that impairs the ability of workers to do their jobs. In the Australian study just mentioned, 76 percent of the people believed Kronic was less likely to be detected by workplace drug testing and 8 percent tried Kronic because they were looking for a substance that would enable them to evade workplace drug testing.

As more is learned about the consequences of using synthetic cannabis, the more it is understood that workplace testing for this substance is important for maintaining workplace safety. CMM Technology ( offers synthetic cannabis testing services that can be easily incorporated into standard drug and alcohol testing procedures.

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Thursday, 2 May 2013

Three Strikes Company Policy

Every company policy is different. Every set of rules is specific to those who set them up and what they were trying to accomplish with them. When it comes to drug testing, specifically employee drug testing, it can be questionable as to which type of policy to set up.

Some businesses have a zero tolerance policy on positive alcohol test or drug testing results. Some businesses allow one or even two strikes before firing. The third strike is generally it. It is very rare that you would find a company willing to have more than two free strikes before the employee is fired on the next strike.

Why do so many companies vary on this policy? Is the three strikes policy the best one? Does it give employees a chance to straighten up their act and get everything together?

Sometimes, rather large companies implement an employee assistance program (EAP) in order to help their employees with any problems which may arise, such as emotional problems with a spouse or a drinking problem which just won’t go away. This is definitely an added benefit to the worker and would be well used with a three strikes policy, as long as the employee is receiving help for their problem.

Sometimes, the case is rather more substantial. If someone in charge of thousands of gallons of petroleum products or other valuable assets begins lying about where they have been or what they have been doing, then failing a drug test or alcohol test would look really bad, and they would most likely be fired right away.

The truth is, different companies use different strike policies because they all have different requirements for their business to operate.

Now, when CMM Technology delivers your products to you, you have many different ways that you can implement your drug testing program. Our drug test kits and our breathalyser devices are available, as is our breathalyser recalibration service. We believe in our products.

Do not worry too much about your company policy, but see to it that you follow strictly whatever guidelines you set for your employees. And call CMM Technology today to order more drug test equipment: (+61) 1300 79 70 30.

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The Trust Game at Work

Every day, in thousands of offices across the world and on millions of worksites everywhere, the trust game is being played.

In a literal sense, the trust game involves someone standing on a small stool and falling backward into the other’s arms. However, in a more figurative sense, the trust game is transacted thousands of times throughout the day between people who give and take, work and benefit, pay and earn their living wages.

There are so many things to bring this process about. When humans come together in a group, they naturally organize themselves so that the top dogs and natural leaders at the head of the group, the most competent are right below them, and on down to the measly, whining, little underlings who, coincidentally, always find life to be really unfair.

In the trust game, employees rely upon each other and look to the behavior of each other in order to get stuff done around the jobsite. When someone sends a letter off to their secretary to be rewritten, they trust that she is doing a competent job, rather than sitting at her desk painting her nails. When a company executive gives some important documents to a delivery boy to take across town, they trust that the papers will get there safe and sound. The trust game is everywhere. Even people who are not the trusting sort HAVE to trust the people with whom they work…or else they would not end up having a job.

This trust is broken when drugs or alcohol are brought onto the worksite. When employees cannot be trusted to control themselves around each other, the trust game takes a nasty turn. Employee drug testing reveals very bad results, the company double checks the saliva drug test or urine drug test, rereads the alcohol breathalyser device, and determines if the employee is still fit for duty.

Our ToxSure saliva drug test is a really popular product which we carry, and we are also proud of our breathalyser recalibration service. There are a lot of options for returning to the trust game at CMM Technology. For more information, call us today: (+61) 1300 79 70 30.

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Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Saving Every Last Dollar

Every time you spend a dollar, it is money in your pocket which can no longer grow. It is now out in the world and you cannot build it up and grow it and reproduce it through investing activity or anything else.

Saving every last dollar can seem like unimpressive financial behavior to some. In their minds, money should be grown really fast in less than safe investments or it should be spent really fast, but either way it should move in a fast direction. Unfortunately, money may flow easily but it does not necessarily flow in the direction we want it to unless we put walls up and channel through certain streams.

Money has a way of moving toward safe locations where it can easily be retained. In the same respect, quality employees tend to move toward places where they will be valued and respected and where their skills will have the most impact on their society. Indeed, the highest quality employees can pretty much pick where they want to work, and they gravitate toward the most secure of all worlds, which includes companies which utilize drug testing. Alcohol tests and drug testing are part of the basic requirements in companies which provide a safe, secure environment for their employees, and employee drug testing is part of the culture which attracts these high quality workers. These guys are more than fit for duty. They are fit for anything.

Drug testing in Western Australia is improved by companies like CMM Technology and they offer a great deal of assurance based upon the accuracy of the drug tests kits and breathalyser devices they provide. CMM Technology only distributes our products to other companies, and our sister site, Mediscreen, actually provides on-sitedrug testing if it is so required.

Saving every last dollar is feasible when you can save every last high quality employee you have. Do this by creating a safe atmosphere and creative working environment through the use of drug test equipment and our breathalyserrecalibration service. CMM Technology is here to help and serve. If you know anything about drug testing, you will love what you see in us: (+61) 1300 79 70 30.
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