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Thursday, 1 December 2011

History of Family Alcoholism

Alcoholism, more than any other drug, spreads itself biologically and genetically in very interesting ways. One of the reasons why other drugs rarely have the same effect is that hard core drug addicts cannot sustain jobs and rarely can sustain living conditions appropriate to maintaining a family and a genetic lineage. Alcoholism, on the other hand, is a very slow, colorful disease which can cause great destruction before you notice its effects. Alcohol testing is helpful, in that it provides a way to determine if someone is drunk at that moment in time. Workplace drug and alcohol testing takes on various forms, but in the end, it exists to stop the spread of this enticing and highly destructive disease.
A family history of alcoholism means several things. First of all, it means that you have a genetic history of missing vitamins and minerals. All alcoholics eat poorly and consume poorer quality of food than their non-alcoholic counterparts. As a result of this, vitamins and minerals normally found in a balanced diet are missing from their system and the longer this continues, the more depleted they become. When babies are conceived, they bear the genetic blueprint of both of their parents and, interestingly enough, they bear the current health of each of their parents. When children are born without a wide variety of these essential vitamins and minerals, then they are already predisposed toward becoming alcoholics. Even if both of their parents recover from alcoholism before their children are very old, they still maintain alcoholic tendencies, or supporting habits, which they had during their time of drunkenness. These supporting habits, combined with the child’s deficiency of certain nutrients, almost grow a pure alcoholic from scratch.
Unfortunately, a family history of alcoholism can be obtained through genetics and environment. Workplace drug and alcohol testing seeks to make this a diminishing disease, instead of a growing one. Alcohol testing facilitates decisions to change one’s own environment and habits, thus generating better habits, as well as a better genetic structure, in the next generation. We carry a variety of breathalyser tests, such as Lion Alcoblow breathalysers, Lion SD400 breathalysers, and Lion SD500 breathalyser devices. We also deliver a variety of drug tests, such as Oraline and Medix drug testing equipment. Our experts are standing by 24/7 to answer any questions you might have about using our testing equipment in your office or home. 

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Results of Poor Boundaries

Within every personal and professional interaction in our lives, we must set boundaries, both outgoing and incoming. Outgoing boundaries involve not allowing someone to take advantage of your good nature or financial prowess, keeping standards for how you treat someone, and knowing when to shut off communication if it is necessary to do so. Incoming boundaries deal with not allowing toxic or draining people into your life, cutting experiences which you dislike out of your schedule, and setting standards for how others treat you. Workplace drug testing is part of setting company boundaries. When employees are given pre screening tests, your business is able to discern whether standards of company policy are being kept.
Unfortunately, not all people or businesses set proper incoming and outgoing boundaries. How do these boundaries look in the professional world? Well, to begin with, incoming boundaries include things like not accepting substandard products from the manufacturer, not hiring employees who have little or no work experience in their field, and occasionally cutting out a client who refuses to operate in an ethical manner with your business. Drug testing is a part of incoming boundaries. With it, you can make sure that you hire quality employees and that they are abiding by company policy and safety standards.
In the professional world, outgoing boundaries include things like determining which services you will and will not provide, regulating product distribution, standing by your employees, and only delivering the best quality of service to your clients. Employee Drug Testing is also applicable in outgoing boundaries because you make sure that clients receive professionalism and care, and that your other employees are safe from potentially addictive behavior. When these boundaries are not enforced, then work suffers, quality suffers, reputation is stretched thin, and income decreases. This is, of course, the same phenomenon which occurs in one’s personal life. If one is using someone else or allowing themselves to be used, their self respect, their confidence, and their community standing all stand to suffer.
Boundaries are important and that is why CMM Technology enables your business to set proper boundaries using drug and alcohol testing and Screening Tests equipment. Our products are especially helpful for on-site testing, which a pre is screening method used to save time and get your employees back to work as quickly as possible. 

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Breathalysers in Your Home

CMM Technology offers portable breathalyser tests for your home or office use. These breathalyser tests make it possible to test for the inebriating effects of alcohol anywhere. Many businesses use workplace drug testing in order to secure employees and customers in a safe, non-hazardous environment. However, there is a case to be made for using breathalyser tests at home. We begin with familiar parent-teen interaction, move into difficulties between spouses, and finish with problems between equal, non-marital adults.
To begin, parents may need to use breathalyser tests in their home in order to make sure that their teen is following orders and obeying rules to not engage in alcohol abuse. Teenagers, while asserting their independence and experimenting with the real world, often drink a large amount of alcohol in one night. This is typically due to the feel-good effects of alcohol, but in adoptive, abusive or unstable homes, teens abuse to escape their problems. On the jobsite, drug and alcohol testing is used to regulate abuse by employees.
Next, we have difficulties occurring between spouses, because one or both of them abuses alcohol. Unfortunately, each individual must have a desire to correct their own addiction and help from outside sources is limited. However, in the case of a recovering alcoholic or someone who wishes to be held accountable for their actions, Breathalyser Recalibration Service are very convenient to be given at home. In this case, the alcohol test can be administered on a set schedule, as part of an accountability program.
Finally, adults, roommates or grown relatives living under the same roof can encounter the ugly disease of alcoholism. Breathalyser tests come in handy when determining violation of roommate agreements, house rules, or family precepts. This is especially helpful in a group, when individuals are pressured to take sides and accusations are thrown around freely. An alcohol test can be the objective deciding factor when determining reliability and truthfulness.
CMM Technology does not just have alcohol breathalyser tests, but also saliva drug tests and urine drug tests. Our goal is to supply businesses and homes with safe, effective, portable equipment with which to test drug abuse or alcoholism. Our experts are standing by, 24/7, to help you with any questions which you may have. We would love to help you implement a business strategy for workplace drug testing and, of course, answer any questions you may have about portable breathalyser tests: (+61) 1300 79 70 30

Monday, 7 November 2011

Screening devices and training

Your Drug & Alcohol Testing devices need to be properly operated and used. CMM Technology allows you access to full and thorough online training programmes so that your own workplace screening programme can run efficiently and smoothly.
Simply selling screening technologies and devices without adequate understanding of the products and technologies can severely jeopardise the drug and alcohol testing component of your Fitness for Duty policy and your Occupational Health and Safety procedures. For full optimisation of a drug testing programme, it is important you understand how your sourced testing products work and it is vital your staff carrying out the testing procedures is clearly trained to perform testing as per instructions. A sensible fiscal outlay for training results in less wastage, less error with tests, and greater accuracy and streamlining.
CMM Technology offers training and also proficiency testing for the following products they supply:
·                  Oraline Saliva Drug Test
·                  Operation and use of Medix Integrated Pro-Split 6+6 Urine Drug Test
·                  Operation and use of Medix Integrated Pro-Split Urine Drug Test
·                  How to operate and use the Alert J5
·                  How to operate and use the Alcosense PRECISION Breathalyser
·                  How to operate and use the Alcoblow Breathalyser
·                  How to operate and use the HH1 Breathalyser
·                  Onsite Drug Testing Documentation – and shipping procedures for Saliva
The CMM Technology training courses are particularly suitable and convenient because of their online status. These training components and proficiency tests can be performed from your own home or office environment and can therefore be incorporated into your daily work or home routine without the need for expensive and time-consuming away-from-work seminars and sessions. They are also considered a component part of many Risk Management strategies.
Proficiency made easy
CMM Technology also understands your need to keep proficiency testing as smooth and as easy as possible without compromising quality or the need for passing tests that measure a thorough level of understanding. For this reason, they have developed a multi-times proficiency testing approach, which means that your employees or trainees who have found initial proficiency testing difficult, can re-sit the tests again and again until they reach a desired level of capability. This process augments and consolidates the real knowledge and real practice – fundamental to well trained drug and alcohol screeners and testers.
AOD testing is a part of modern business and industry. When next purchasing your drug and alcohol pre screening devices and technologies, be sure to enquire about the thorough device training options offered by CMM Technology. Proper testing procedures and a full understanding of how to perform them will save you and your organisation time, money, difficulty and wastage. Speak with CMM Technology’s specialist staff soon about their up to date online training options for your employees. 

Sunday, 23 October 2011

The binge drinking employee

You may have a binge drinking employee in your workplace and they may not present like the “typical” heavy or alcoholic drinker. Binge drinking is somewhat different from solid, heavy or longstanding drinking behaviours. And for this reason, it may be difficult to spot or identify in the workplace. However, the impact on other employees, and the binge-drinker’s inability to remain consistent with responsibilities and workplace duties and attendance, may lead to team problems and organisational difficulties for management who have to repeatedly address and deal with the associated behaviours.
Binge drinking or episodic drinking is defined as “drinking heavily on a single occasion, or drinking continuously over a number of days or weeks. It is also commonly referred to in Australia as drinking to get drunk, or getting wasted, getting wiped or getting smashed.”
In Australia, binge drinking has even been viewed as socially acceptable by male teens and young adult men, and traditionally has been tied in with male social bonding and enculturation.
But when this crosses over into the workplace or occurs sporadically yet repeatedly in an episodic manner over time by an employee, the impact to your organisation can be real and frustrating.
Some of the short term effects of binge drinking include
  •                   Hangovers
  •                   Nausea
  •                   Shakiness
  •                   Committing and memory loss
  •                   Injury to yourself
  •                   Alcohol poisoning
  •                   Absenteeism
  •                   Disorganisation
  •                   Irresponsibility
  •                   Violence
  •                   Workplace problems

The Australian Drug Foundation states that the National Drug Strategy Survey found that over 10% of Australians 14 years and over drink dangerously. Translated to the workplace, this may correlate to nearly 10% of the employee workforce, and because binge drinking is largely socially acceptable, the issue may well be far more severe than we realise. Alcohol abuse is so severe in Australia it costs us $36 billion per year.
In March 2008, the government of Australia launched a new campaign focusing on binge drinking, titled the “National Binge Drinking Strategy,” which supplied over $53 million to address the problem among the younger section of the population. The program was largely aimed to alcohol test at developing community resources and advertising campaigns to address the problem.
You too can develop workplace strategies to fight the effects of binge drinking. Some approached that may be of use include:
  •                   Onsite breathalyser testing for employees
  •                   Employee Assistance Programs that assist problem drinkers in your workplace
  •                   Information about responsible drinking habits
  •                   Clearly outlined AOD procedures and policies
  •                   A non-punitive approach that seeks to help rather than hinder a binge-drinking employee

You can help to protect your workplace from the effects of binge-drinking employees. Develop a comprehensive Employee Drug Testing program and you can reap the rewards, knowing your workplace is safer and more secure and less severely impacted by AOD issues. 

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Sleeping with the Enemy

CMM Technology offers you reliable, cost effective and advanced pre screening technologies for all types of industries and businesses. Your business needs to stay abreast of current information on drug and alcohol use and workplace testing. It also needs to be aware of other drugs that may be legal but also have the capacity to disrupt your workplace and cause hazard, risk or even injury to your employees.
Sedatives, commonly known as sleeping pills are one such drug group to be aware of. CMM Technology offers you this profile on sleeping pills to help you continue to wage the war in favor of workplace drug testing.
Hypnotics (Sleeping Pills)
These are soporific drugs – a class of psychoactive substances with a primary function to induce sleep. They treat restlessness, sleeplessness, insomnia and also stress and anxiety. Because doctors prescribe them they are viewed as legal drugs.
These drugs may be habit forming and addictive, and are not safe in the workplace, particularly in heavy industries such as mining, aviation, transport, engineering and maritime and defence. Examples of sleeping pills include benzodiazepines and nonbenzodiazapenes.
Benzodiazepines are the most common and often prescribed sleeping pill group in Australia and include such brand names as serepax, valium and rohypnol.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners has listed guidelines for these drugs. If you are an employer, make sure you are aware of this advice and educate your employees as part of your AOD policies and procedures.
The guidelines include:
·                  Education on risk of dependence with long-term use
·                  When prescribed benzodiazepines the lowest dose should be used.
Other hypnotic/soporific groups include:
·                  Barbiturates
·                  Opioids
·                  Antihistamines
·                  Melatonin agonists
Make sure your employees are well versed about the effects of these particular groups of drugs and also make sure the effects of these drugs on work tasks is publicised at your site or workplace. When you effectively disseminate information about drugs and their risks, you can also safeguard your business against the possibility of litigation, should accident or injury occur.
One of the main problems associated with sleeping pills is the resistance that occurs after a few weeks of continual use. This may also mean your employee who is prescribed sleeping pills may increase his/or her dose to gain the same effect as initially occurred when first prescribed.
The Australian Sleep Association suggests a number of “alternative top sleeping tips” that can replace the need for sleeping pills. Be sure to incorporate these into any EAP where an employee is struggling with sleeping, stress, insomnia and sleeping pill use which has also impacted his work tasks and work safety.
The suggestions are:
·                  Ensure regular sleep patterns – go to bed at the same time and aim for 8 hours
·                  Limit your caffeine intake
·                  Limit your alcohol intake (its diuretic effect can have you getting up to go to the toilet throughout the night
·                  Resist daytime naps
·                  Manage your stress
·                  Avoid sleeping pills – they do not deal with cause of insomnia
·                  Make sleep area dark and comfortable
·                  Seek professional help.
CMM Technology supports organisations and businesses to develop sound drug and alcohol testing procedures and policies as part of their OHS and Employee Assistance Programmes. CMM Technology understands the need to safeguard against drugs and alcohol in the workplace. For more information on their quality drug testing devices. 

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Drug and Alcohol Testing at the Workplace

A few days back a few of my friends were discussing alcohol and drugs at the workplace. They seemed to imagine that alcohol or drug abuse happened only outside and not in the workplace. Their argument was that the workplace consisted of individuals carefully selected after at least one interview and that the office was a ‘clean’ place or Drug Free Workplace. That Drug and Alcohol Testing at the Workplace was an unnecessary waste of time and money.
Social Background
The logic amazed me. About 80% of us consume alcohol. We are not addicts but we do socially consume alcohol. Our alcohol consumption pattern may be brought out during an interview but I doubt it would disqualify us on that ground alone unless we admitted to being an alcohol and substance abuser or worse and I am sure better sense prevails in most of us. In other words, alcohol and substance abusers do not confess during an interview. This is one of the strongest reasons for having a Workplace Drug Testing.
Workplace is a Representation of our Society
A workplace is obviously a representation of the society we live in. People who work in offices, etc. are not aliens from another planet – they are drawn from the society we live in. If the society we live in has a sizeable percentage that likes alcohol or drugs or both, then logically, the workplace too will have a percentage of these people, hence Drug Testing at the Workplace.
The Silent Lot
Alcohol and substance abusers take care to ensure that their breath does not smell and give them away so unless they are so inhibited that they cannot function, chances are, there is one sitting a few feet from you in the office you work. I hope this convinces sceptics for the need for Drug and Alcohol Testing at the Workplace.
Damage Potential
An alcohol and substance abuser carries the risk of serious problems especially if he is working in a high-risk area such as factory floors where accidents will not only result in injuries or worse, they are seriously expensive and could lead to tremendous loss of productivity.
Statistics released by the Australian Government Indicate Requirement for Mandatory Drug and Alcohol testing at the Workplace:
·                  6% of accidents at the workplace in South Australia, happened because one or more of the involved staff were under the influence of alcohol
·                  3% of accidents at the workplace in South Australia, happened because one or more of the involved staff were under the influence of drugs
·                  Over one-tenth of work related injuries at the workplace were caused by alcohol consumption
·                  Australia annually loses $2.9 Billion due to loss of productivity and absenteeism caused by alcohol and drug consumption
·                  It is estimated that as many as 6% of Australians enter the workplace while under the influence of alcohol or drugs or both.
With the government released statistics itself indicating that alcohol and substance abuse is widespread, I feel the time has come for mandatory drug & alcohol testing at the Workplace.
If you need to introduce drug and alcohol testing to the workplace, please contact CMM Technology for quality testing devices. Telephone 618 9204 2500

Monday, 19 September 2011

Product Focus – The Redline Breathalyser

The Redline Breathalyser is one of the most affordable, convenient and guiding disposable breath testers on the Australian market today. With a tried and true history of use by the French Gendarmerie, it stands as a cost-effective and very economical option for businesses and industries that require a competitive and affordable drug-testing solution.
This breathalyser, supplied by CMM Technology, is in fact the only disposable device that accords with the accuracy and reliability requirement of the Australian Standard: AS 3547-1997 Type 1. And it is calibrated to meet with all Australian requirements.
CMM Technology sources products that have reliability at the core of their reputation. The Redline Breathalyser was originally devised for police use in France, and to this day is still outlined as one of the preferred preliminary roadside drug test equipment by French police as well as law enforcement agencies in Israel, Italy and many other countries. In Europe it is conveniently sold as an individual breathalyser measure option that can be bought from leading grocery, supermarkets, pharmacies and service stations across Europe.
Perhaps one of the most important features of the Redline Breathalyser is its usability and ease. Unlike some other testing units that require full training and thorough knowledge, the Redline allows anyone, anywhere to use it to gauge their own alcohol consumption or the alcohol consumption or lack thereof of their employees.
Step by Step instructions are
·                  Snap off both ends and empty harmless white silica crystals
·                  Use ONE continuous breath to fully inflate the bag
·                  Insert white cap end of tester into white neck of fully inflated bag
·                  Use both hands to squeeze breath from bag slowly through the tester tube
·                  Evaluate results under good light, within 2 minutes of test being taken
·                  Under the limit reading – no greening of crystals or minor amount of greened crystals has not reached the red line
·                  Over limit reading indicated by distinct green colour change of yellow crystals all the way up to the red line or beyond
In Australia, most people remain unclear about and unaware that blood alcohol concentrations can in fact vary from individual to individual.  While the standard guideline in relation to driving is a blood alcohol reading of .05% – equating to no more than 2 standard drinks in the first hours and one per hour after that (for males) and no more than one standard drink per hour for women – this remains a guideline and definitive BAC’s cannot be generalized.
Further detail on BAC’s need to incorporate accurate information about body size and a number of other factors. The Australian Drug Foundation lists these as:
·                  “Body Size – for the same amount of alcohol consumed, a smaller person will have a higher BAC that a larger person because the alcohol is concentrated in a smaller body mass
·                  Body Fat – people with a lot of body fat tend to have higher BAC. Alcohol is not absorbed into fatty tissue, so the alcohol is concentrated in a smaller body mass
·                  Sex – Being female will almost always mean you have a higher BAC than a man who has consumed exactly the same amount of alcohol as you.
·                  Being Young – younger, less experienced drinkers may have a lower tolerance and so their BAC may rise faster than older drinkers
·                  Empty stomach – a person with an empty stomach will reach a higher BAC than someone who has just eaten a meal.”
To monitor your blood alcohol concentration levels, whether in the workplace setting or individually and privately, source quality test products such as the Redline Breathalyser supplied by CMM Technology. 

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Child Protection – when drug testing really matters.

CMM technology knows our most precious global commodity is our children. Future generations will dictate the course and wisdom and success of the national and global agenda, and it behooves us all to pay attention to the needs and requirements of the younger members of our immediate and extended community.  While most of us are able to adequately provide our families and our children with a fairly decent level of economic, social, emotional, educational and health support, a proportion of children in our society are unduly impacted by parental drug use. Many falls under the auspices of State child protection bodies and the accompanying regulatory requirements, and many of these families are required to undertake routine or random drug testing and screening as a condition for ongoing family cohesion and unity.
In numerous instances drug and alcohol screening is required as a part of an ongoing monitoring and treatment plan, and is used as part of a clear risk assessment strategy that can underpins decision-making in relation to removal of children, supervised or unsupervised access or the prospect of successful trial or permanent reunification.
In 2006 The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre at the University of New South Wales, delivered its report on The Costs and Utility of Parental Drug-testing in Child Protection. It made careful study of the available research and literature, and found that “appropriate use of alcohol testing is feasible and that it can promote better outcomes in child-at-risk cases, as long as monitoring and compliance with testing and treatment entry are supported.”  It also maintained that alternatives to drug and alcohol testing that were less invasive (clinical assessment and standard self-report tools) were questionable in terms of reliability.  In its summary it went on to unequivocally state that current available research “suggests drug-testing is a viable means of monitoring drug use levels and referral to treatment.” 
In all states of Australia, the issue of drug and alcohol use in families and the need for stringent child protection strategies is a pressing one. CMM Technology believes our children are our future and supports the need for effective drug and alcohol testing measures in those cases where child protections monitoring and guidance is required. Call CMM Technology and speak to our expert consultants today. Telephone 618 9204 2500


Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Is Testing Becoming More or Less Popular?

Drug and alcohol testing has only been around since the 1980s. The recent development and implementation of this practice, coupled with perceived violations of privacy, has meant that it did not begin with as much popularity as it has today. Both employers and employees have been hesitant to “get excited” about it, since mixed reviews might lead to outright hostility. Organizations which require both management and employed staff to receive alcohol testing are far more likely to succeed in continuing to do so, than other companies which are more lenient with management positions. The perceived violation of privacy can be started or exacerbated by the wrong attitudes or treatment from employers, and can become worse over time if these attitudes are not adjusted.
Employees must not feel as if they are being judged or weighed in the balance, because even the most highly motivated individuals with the best work ethic can become discouraged or fearful in that type of environment. One of the most effective means of increasing productivity within a company is to increase pride in work and personal achievement, and to not make this dependent upon a pay scale or a bonus package. When handling your employees, it is recommended that you read Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom by Dr. William Glasser. This book indicates how using choice theory in the drug free workplace is incredibly useful to both the productivity and the motivation of employed staff and that the net revenue will rise accordingly. Dr. Glasser states that employees can become happier and more useful on less money if they are treated in specific ways, namely showing them respect, giving them room for creative innovation, and not micromanaging their every move. Leading social networking companies, such as Linked In and Twitter, employ these strategies with similarly successful results.
What does all of this mean? It means that the popularity of drug testing within your workplace does not have to dependent upon current societal trends, but upon your own good judgment and effective management of your employees. You do not have to pass out fliers in the office about how great it is and how excited you are about implementing it. Your own wisdom and discretion will do the selling for you.
CMM Technology develops quality drug and alcohol testing equipment for your workplace. Telephone  618 9204 2500

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Hunger and the Alcoholic Lifestyle

Alcohol is used to achieve many different goals: to become drunk, to disinfect, to reduce pain, to calm down a nervous state of mind, to slow reflexes, to celebrate, to forget and to feel better. Rarely does one find an instance where alcohol is used to increase hunger. However, aside from the neurological effects which are well-known, alcohol is a key component in starving cells. Unfortunately, in situations of poverty, the individual may find that the temporary “downing” effects of alcohol help them to forget their hunger. Thus, it is difficult to mix poverty and alcoholism without making it nearly impossible to leave either lifestyle.
Before we begin, it must be made clear that alcohol in no way acts as an appetite suppressant or can be used as a dieting tool. Rather, the converse is true. Alcohol increases hunger and thirst for nutrients, eliciting extreme physical pain in the individual if these nutrients are not ingested. In fact, one the primary causes of pain during alcoholism, other than broken relationships and hangovers, is the occurring starvation. In order to prevent toxic poisoning, cells use up greater than normal nutritional resources, creating a pocket or deficiency which must be filled. Rather than filling these nutritional holes, alcohol temporarily tricks the mind into believing that everything is alright, while creating further deficiency.
On the other end of the spectrum, alcoholism can be prevented and even 90% cured through no other action than nutritional intake. When healthy cells are receiving the materials and energy which they need in order to remain strong, they begin throwing off old toxic debris, including a tolerance for or affinity for alcohol. Without exercising any amount of self control, an individual can gradually decrease their tolerance for alcohol simply by eating fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, organic meat, and drinking plenty of water. This phenomenon is accurate across the board, without depending upon personality type, lifestyle, other habits including drug abuse, or personal preference. Clearly, individuals would gain a lot in perspective and in self control simply by feeding their cells. Unfortunately, alcoholism is not the only habit which induces cellular starvation. Eating foods lacking in nutrition will also leave one feeling hungry within two hours of eating a large meal. This hunger continues as long as the nutritional deficiency exists, which may explain why overeating almost seems necessary, rather than a lack of personal responsibility. When fighting both alcoholism and unhealthy eating habits, remember that nutritional investment will eradicate hunger.
Contact CMM Technology today for your quality drug and alcohol testing equipment +618-9204-2500 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +618-9204-2500     .