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Saturday, 30 March 2013

The Oxygen Tank Draggers

We have all known, or at least seen, the individuals who from middle age and onward must drag an oxygen tank behind them wherever they go. This is because their lungs are so deteriorated from smoking that they are unable to pull in and process as much oxygen as everyone else’s lungs.
In other words, they cannot physically function without the oxygen that they are dragging around behind them. Of course, all of this started with either cigarettes or drug abuse, but drug abuse is just as likely to cause cancer in the lungs as some of the tar found in some cigarettes. In addition to that, drug abuse has been linked to respiratory problems, as has severe and chronic alcoholism.
Now, obviously anyone who is dragging an oxygen tank behind them is not very marketable and does not appear very competent in the workplace. Naturally, you would wish your employees to be a little more developed than that. Try out our drug test equipment for your employee drug testing. Alcohol test and drug testing is part of keeping your other, non-abusing employees safe. In fact, screening tests are really the only way to ensure that employees are following company policy concerning drug testing, since verbal confirmation cannot be entirely, or scientifically, trusted.
Obviously, we here at CMM Technology are not prejudiced against anyone with a disability. It is, however, recommended that the oxygen tank draggers should be closely examined for employment, since a history of compulsive self sabotage has already been established and is openly available for the public to see. That is another thing about employees who exhibit lack of self control from their younger years. Their credibility is ruined with professional clientele.
All parts of your business must be kept well maintained and intact. There must be set standards, and your employees, who work for you, must maintain those standards within and among themselves.
With the amount of help which is available for recovering addicts, including but not limited to employee assistance programs set up within companies, there really is no excuse for allowing abusive behavior to enter your own workplace. Call CMM Technology today for more information: (+61) 1300 79 70 30.
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Friday, 29 March 2013

The Income of Loners

In Daniel Goleman’s book, “Social Intelligence,” he describes how people should be able to get along with each other quite easily, and why many of them do not. Understanding socialized behavior is one of the best ways to improve your business standards and your business output.
After all, no company wishes to drop quality just to focus on quantity. There must be enough quantity, of course, but the quality of the product or service is what really determines how long the company will be in business. You must be able to sustain the quality of work you absolutely think that you’re capable of producing, and you must be in a position where you can improve that quality when you think of how to do it.
Running a company is hard. Anyone who has ever done it knows this. However, it is much more difficult if your staff is not socially educated and adept at all of their positions. There must be a socialization structure to your company, or loners will be allowed to sit in their back hovels and become even more isolated over the years.
The income of loners on average is twenty percent less than the income of socially adept individuals. Why is this the case?
It has to do with how comfortable some people feel around coworkers and subordinates who are loner type of people. Unfortunately, just about any manager or executive is socially adept, so you will not find many loners who are in positions of power. If you are a loner yourself, than your currently isolated positioning within the company can be to your detriment.
Loners also happen to be more likely to engage in drug and alcohol abuse while on the job. This is because the stress of being around other people, even in their positions which tend to be more withdrawn, is too much and they feel far too much pressure.
However, just as with any muscle, exercising your social muscles is more likely to make you feel confident in public situations and in uncomfortable positions with other people. CMM Technology brings this level of evaluation to your doorstep with our drug tests kits, featuring our LifeLoc FC10 breathalyser and our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6. These can be excellent parts of your business today. Order now: (+61) 1300 79 70 30.
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Monday, 25 March 2013

Keeping Your Money and Your Friends Separate

Part of being friends with someone involves the give-and-take process. You must be willing to give some of your time, resources and attention to your friend, as well as take their contributions. If you are unable to engage in this give-and-take process, then you may be seen as either a doormat or too proud and arrogant.
Whatever happens, there is a limit to what you can give to your friends. Anyone who demands what they cannot give in return is engaging in partially dysfunctional behavior. There must be an even trade in resources and friendship. Protecting your money when your buddies come calling can be one of the wisest decisions you engage in.
The same applies for companies. When a business distributes more than it pulls in, then it can quickly go broke. That is obviously not the correct way of doing business. You must be able to contribute to your employees a proper compensation for their time and work, but no one should be asking you to give them twice as much as what they actually contribute. This is why, even though managers and executives may trust and really enjoy the company of their employees, they still engage in employee drug testing. It is the responsible thing to do. Our ToxSure saliva drug test is the proof of this. Our LifeLoc FC10 breathalyzer is also evidence. We pride ourselves on our adulterant tests built right in to our drugtest kits. We think that drug testing in Western Australia is better because of our products, and we are prepared to prove it to anyone who is interested.
Employees must be fit for duty, no matter how much you trust them or have made them your friends, and this involves passing urine drug tests and breathalyser results. Some companies use oral fluid drug tests, and we provide those, as well. We really enjoy how many companies consider us a reliable source for drug test equipment.
Keeping your money and your friends separate is best for both your asset protection and all of your friendships. Obviously, if someone is allowed to take advantage of you, the two of you are not friends anymore. Set a business standard with employee drug testing. Call CMM Technology today: (+61) 1300 79 70 30.

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Thursday, 21 March 2013

Helping Someone in Summer

Summertime is not often thought of as a dangerous time of the year. Usually, winter with snow and hail and icy streets is considered to be the more fraught with peril. However, in extreme heat, summer can be just as dangerous if not more so. Many people do not pay attention to their lack of hydration throughout the day, and the heat can come upon your quite quickly. Heat exhaustion occurs when the body has been exposed to heat, especially direct sunlight, to such an extent that it cannot cool off before it must deal with more heat being soaked up by the body. Just like with a car engine, if enough heat is developed that the body is not able to offset any of it, then the person will most likely pass out. That is why it is so important to keep cold water on hand in summertime.
Sometimes, employees are tempted to drink alcohol in the summertime at work because of the nice cold wetness of the beer and so forth. However, this is a misconception. While the beer will cool your body off, temperature wise, all alcohol has a drying effect upon the tissues. In essence, it will temporarily cool your tissues, but it will have a longer lasting dehydrating effect upon you, which will lead to dangerous conditions if left in the sun for any longer period of time.
If your employees have outdoor work to be done, cool them off with iced juice, water, or flavored spritzers. Avoid indulging in alcohol consumption while on the worksite. Call CMM Technology today in order to find out more about drugtesting in Western Australia. If someone is not fit for duty, you need to know about it. Oral fluid drug tests and breathalyzer devices, including our LifeLoc FC10, are just the thing to evaluate your outdoor workers. You have to make sure they are not dealing with the heat in sabotaging ways, after all. Responsibility is the key to asset management, and you must look after your business, as well as the safety of your other workers. For more info, call CMM Technology today:

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Free Spirits

There are so many possibilities for the title “free spirits” in an article. Free spirited individuals may be said to be more likely to engage in drug abuse or alcoholism. Or, we could mention how “spirits” is another term for alcohol and discuss the pervasive use for drinking in order to deal with our world as we know it.

In fact, there is not a single job which man can claim which has not been stated as stressful, hard, or in some way deserving of a drink at the end of the day.

Of course, that is true. Work is difficult, and we all must at some point take the edge off in the evening.

However, when this behavior turns into taking the edge off in the morning before you even get to work, or when the afternoon needs to be lightened by a little drinking before returning to your duties…then you have a problem.

Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6 is one of the most popular products sold at CMM Technology, among all of our other drug test equipment. In addition to providing breathalysers, like our LifeLoc FC10, we also provide breathalyser recalibration services for your business, no matter whose products you are using for your employee drug testing. Free spirited and steady tempers alike, there is not an instant cure for alcohol abuse once begun. It is a long road, and many newly hired workers may begin at their new jobs, thinking that this time will be different, and really hoping for and believing it.

It is when the small hiccups and bumps in the road occur that their resolve is tested.

Often, free spirited people are idealists, and this means that they can form unrealistic expectations of their ability to handle different types of situations. When the day starts off well and they feel good, idealists can be on top of the world and believe that nothing can get them down, even if they are in reality very easily affected by external influences. That is why companies have to use employee drug testing. You never know when someone will hit a bump in the road and need to take a break by abusing drugs or alcohol. For your drug test equipment.

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Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Electrolyte Imbalance and Withdrawal Symptoms

Electrolytes are necessary to life. In fact, electrolytes are so necessary to life that individuals who take on water drinking challenges can actually wash all of the electrolytes out of their bodies and die. One individual in Wisconsin, U.S. took on a water drinking challenge and sat and drank eight gallons of water. He died within two hours of the beginning of the challenge, due to electrolyte depletion.

So, what are electrolytes and what do they have to do with drug abuse and employee drug testing? Picture your bloodstream filled with nutrients and other particles, carrying them all over your body. In order to pick up these particles and transfer them to the appropriate place, your bloodstream must use electrolytes, which are also particles.

These are necessary in order to have enough “roughage” in your body to carry out basic, simple functions. Alcohol tests and urine drug tests, such as the kind with built in adulterant test, are useful in determining if one of your employees is abusing drugs or alcohol while on or near the workplace.

But, electrolytes are often severely…and dangerously…depleted in withdrawal patients, too. That means that even if your employee is fit for duty, there can still be a strong, almost violent reaction in the body when it goes through withdrawal. Be supportive of your worker, and understand that withdrawal is one of the primary reasons why addicts begin using again since it is so painful.

Our drug test equipment is extremely high quality. We specialize in the best, and we ship it all over Australia. In fact, we are one of the leading companies for drug testing in Western Australia. That is a pretty big reputation, and we are proud of it. Try our saliva drug tests, like our ToxSure saliva drug test, and check out our breathalyzer recalibration service. We are good at what we do and what we produce. If you are looking for an onsite drug testing service, check out our website for a link to our sister site. Order your drug test equipment from CMM Technology today and begin building a safer, more reliable workplace for your hardworking employees.

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Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Drug Testing in Australia’s Water Based Companies

Water based companies in Australia either use water as a power source or have something to do with water care, purification or other type of water preservation technique. Drug testing in Australia’s water based companies is especially important for our country, because so much of our economy is based upon, in or around water. In order to set an example of proper water treatment, we must set high standards in our employee drug testing in these water based companies.

Drug testing can easily be implemented without giving a thought to quality or quantity of drug test equipment, employee treatment, and the process of documentation and evaluation of individual employees. When done casually for the sake of following company policy in a half hearted way, employee drug testing can bring inaccurate results and distorted data.

That is why CMM Technology specializes in our high quality drug test equipment and breathalyser devices, and that does not even cover our breathalyser recalibration service, which recalibrates all breathalyzer devices you may have onsite, not just the ones which came from us. We are a full service company which does drug testing in Western Australia. Our sister site, Mediscreen, even performs onsite drug testing so that you can have all of this and more right on your worksite. That is a devotion to the quality of drug testing which is not often found.

Water based companies provide us with clean drinking water, proper septic systems, and utilize the power and flow of water to run factories and other types of plants or operations. That is nothing to take lightly. Drug testing in water based companies must bring a higher standard than many other companies, since there is so much more at stake, relatively speaking. AOD must be kept off of the worksite, and this is essential in developing a proper respect for our water based operations in this country.

Help us to develop this respect for our water employment by implementing employee drug testing with our drug test equipment. We provide high quality urine drug tests and we want to conserve Australia just as much as you do. 

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Monday, 18 March 2013

Comfortable Settings, Warm Air

Those who know the power of environment on the psyche work very hard to make their homes and offices warm and pleasant to be in. They have, on average, much less stress in their lives than their dissociative counterparts who don’t pay attention, put value on their surroundings, or who simply do not learn to appreciate the warmth and comfort of a comfortable office or home. In fact, a stress-free life is essential to personal growth, both private and professional. Your employees, while being good at what they do now, would better serve you if they were able to grow and fulfill more and greater job responsibilities. Comfortable settings and warm air during chilly times of the year really help to facilitate an interest in coming to work and in giving their best.

Employee productivity is directly related to how safe they feel at their job. This includes both physical safety and mental safety. There should not be threats from their boss that they will be fired if they do not perform their tasks on time, and there should never be an imminent threat to their physical safety during any time that they are at work.

Of course, being fit for duty on the worksite includes more than just warm and care. It includes making sure that they are not abusing substances such as drugs and alcohol while on or near the jobsite. Oral fluid drug test and our special Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6, with a built in adulterant test, are our specialty. We provide drug test equipment to companies all over Australia, and we would be honored to serve you in this way. Drug test kits add to the atmosphere and safety of the comfortable settings and employee security. While some may have a problem with being tested, the fact that it is required is part of this spirit of safety which will be provided to your workers.

In fact, employees who depend on their jobs are far more likely to take an interest in improving the company as a whole if the business is looking out for them, too.

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Friday, 15 March 2013

Cleaning Out the Dead Waste

One of the most important parts of a human cell is its ability to expel waste from itself. That is how it can keep regenerating itself over and over again and live longer. As we know from many analogies drawn between business and human biology, a company must perform similar functions in order to keep itself going year after year. A good business system is great. Great managers are wonderful. Lots of enthusiasm is, of course, desired. But if they cannot all be put together into a company which cuts out the dead waste, then there will be plenty of backups and deficiencies in production and quality.

CMM Technology specializes in dead waste. No, not in that way. Rather, we help you to ascertain which of your workers engage in alcohol and drug abuse and which are smart enough to control themselves when they are on or near the workplace environment. There is a lot at stake, after all. Your assets, your clients, your customers if you sell products, your revenue stream, and everyone’s jobs are all at stake.

Before you remove someone’s job entirely, though, of course you have to look at their overall contribution. Are they performing at their peak? Do they improve morale around them? Do they make things flow more quickly and at higher quality? These things are important when figuring out what is best for your company, in addition to their record concerning employee drug testing.

In fact, many companies give their employees multiple chances before firing them if they break policy. Come to us for your drug test equipment, try our oral fluid drug tests, and review their evaluation forms and talk to their managers to determine if they are fit for duty. We also provide breathalyser recalibration service, which is helpful to use on the breathalyzer devices you may already have. This saves costs, and we do it for any type of breathalyser, not just our own. Drug testing is important in cutting out the dead waste. You cannot be too careful when it comes to protecting your valuable assets.

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Thursday, 14 March 2013

Civilization and the Wild

Civilization has long been a supporter of employee drug testing. Long have civilized nations and companies looked to drug test kits to determine who is civil and who is wild. Unfortunately, wild people have received a bad name from the ultra-sterilization of civilized society. This is a case where it is far better to look at the results of employee drug testing, rather than the controlled need to bring more civilization to the workplace.

Wildness has long been the symbol for those who are self governed. This is not to say that they are anarchistic or in any way illegal, immoral or hurtful. This is only to say that wildness is the law of self government, rather than government through the power of others. And wild individuals make strong reputations for themselves.

Is it not the self regulated employee who is given more responsibility?

Is it not the self disciplined employee who is trusted more than anyone else?

Instead, civilization reduces the need to build these internal controls by which people govern their own behavior. It is this lack of wildness, this lack of self government, which necessitates the use of employee drug testing. LifeLoc FC10 is one of our best breathalyzer devices, and we also provides breathalyser recalibration services. We want your staff to be fit for duty just as much as you do, and we are here to help make sure that that happens.

Civilized individuals believe in someone else supporting them while they break just enough rules to make themselves feel in control of their own lives. Well, that’s no good. There should be internal self discipline which is being exercised and strengthened over time, not hacked away at by drug abuse and alcoholism at the workplace.

Have some self respect and have some respect for your job. Protect the lives and the working conditions of your employees. Show them who is keeping them safe. Try our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6, and see our sister site for onsite drug testing. AOD should be kept off of the worksite. Drug testing is easy, simple and safe with us.

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Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Believing in Compounded Interest

At CMM Technology, we know a lot about good business, and we how important the principle of compounded interest is. At the bank, when you make an investment in a mutual fund or stock, your money is reinvested over time and the interest of your money is also reinvested over time. The result is that you have an extremely well functioning investment portfolio which is earning you passive income over the years.

Often, relationships are taken for granted, much like investments are. Rather than truly sticking with an investment, an individual can decide to be apathetic and start trading just as soon as the price rises by a few points. This is not a wise methodology, as anyone can tell you. Relationships between businesses and between clients and providers are much the same way.

You absolutely must stick with your goals if you are to develop a proper and long lasting client relationship. Your goals would probably include setting up regular long term bulk orders, establishing a monthly schedule of services in return for money, and tailoring your services over time to meet the growing and changing needs of your clients and customers.

The more you follow these paths, the more two things are likely to follow. First of all, you will be able to systemize and more quickly fulfill the demands of your clients without actually spending extra work, time or effort. Systems are very easy to process and can become almost fully automatic. Secondly, as your clients grow and change, your approach to them must grow and change. However, due to the systemizing previously mentioned, this can be overlooked. Their new needs can be overlooked, due to convenience.

The long and short of it is that CMM Technology can add another safety feature to ensure future client relationships keep developing. One bad employee is all it takes to hack away at your own reputation.

This is why employee drug testing is used as often as it is. Oral fluid drug tests and other types of screening tests are available for order from us.

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Thursday, 7 March 2013

The Weed Game at Work

Weed, or marijuana, is so commonly used in lower level positions in a company, not to mention throughout all levels of a business, that is by its cultural saturation relatively innocuous. It seems innocuous, but it isn’t. The weed game at work is far more destructive because it is looked upon as so commonplace and as if it cannot really hurt anyone.

It is detrimental because it is seen as so benign.

The advertising agencies of today understand the concept of familiarity. If something is commonplace, it is seen as everyday and ordinary. If it is everywhere, then many people will talk about it, it will become innocuous, and everyone will buy it because everyone else is buying it, and for no other reason.
Finally, the prevalence of abusing weed in the workplace can influence otherwise competent employees to try it out, too, since nobody is really getting in trouble over the matter.

All of these facets add up to a really big problem for you, since your workforce, the lifeblood of your company, is being compromised by their own actions. This compromises your company itself. This compromises you.

CMM Technology provides drug test equipment for your employee drug testing needs. Our oral fluid drug tests and our saliva drug tests are accurate and high quality. We even have a breathalyser recalibration service, and your alcohol test needs are just as important to us as they are to you. The weed game does not have to win against you. You can control these things by having information about them. Knowledge is power. That is why our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6 has an adulterant test built right in, so that normal methods of cheating can be found out right away. This brings drug testing up the same immediacy as alcohol breathalyzer readings.

Marijuana abuse by employees is highly popular, and the more creative the employee the more likely they are to abuse as part of their job, since they consider it to be freeing of their minds. Of course, that is not the case, but the general belief that it is certainly does not help anyone.

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Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Playing Nicely with Others

It’s very important to get along well at work, but we have all been in situations where that was well nigh impossible. After all, you are all working for hours on end every day together, and the familiarity can, indeed, breed contempt. Fortunately, things don’t have to get any worse than that. Professionalism, decorum, and civility all play a part in bringing peace around once more when tensions rise.

As children, we are taught to play nicely with other children. Kids don’t know a lot about what boundaries should not be crossed and how to repair temporarily broken friendships. Adults, however, know a lot better. It is vital to exercise self restraint in negative situations to avoid making things worse. That is why drug and alcohol abuse are prohibited from company grounds and during working hours. These drugs affect your reasoning and take away you ability to properly gauge a situation and think of an appropriate, non-aggressive way of handling it.

We provide drug testing, complete with built in adulterant tests, and breathalyzer devices, along with breathalyser recalibration service. We are your full service station for employee drug testing, and we are proud to serve business in Australia. We ship all over our country, and we provide really high quality urine drug tests and saliva drug tests. We recommend our ToxSure saliva drug test, in fact.

Exercise self restraint and control over our emotions is something which is difficult for people who have their head on straiIt’s very important to get along well at work, but we have all been in situations where that was well nigh impossible. After all, you are all working for hours on end every day together, and the familiarity can, indeed, breed contempt. Fortunately, things don’t have to get any worse than that. Professionalism, decorum, and civility all play a part in bringing peace around once more when tensions rise.

ght and who have plenty of emotionaght and who have plenty of emotional intelligence. For those of us who abuse drugs or alcohol, however, holding our temper in can seem impossible and even undesirable.

This is not an appropriate attitude to have on the jobsite.

While you are working on building your employee base and growing your business to reach new financial heights, remember the necessity of drug testing in these areas of new growth. Without standards, these new twigs will wilt and the branches will wither. You must keep testing your staff in order to assure workplace safety, as well as to encourage coworkers to get along well with each other. There really is no better way to accomplish this than with our products. 

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Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Marijuana and Weakening of Internal Strengths

Marijuana does a lot toward building the illusion of internal strength inside of someone, when in fact it has the opposite effect over a long period of time. If a person does not use their own discernment and internal muscles over a period of time, that strength begins to wane. After many years, that strength can really become almost extinct. Drug rehabilitation helps an individual build those muscles back up, but in the end it is their choice to daily make themselves stronger.

Marijuana is considered a minor narcotic, since it has small effects compared with drugs like methamphetamine and heroin. However, it does definitely have an effect. If the individual, who is most likely weak to begin with, indulges in recreation weed abuse, they will find themselves becoming weaker, though they may not realize what exactly is happening as it occurs.

If these traits begin appearing in your employees, you can be assured that they may be moving from young and fresh and ambitious to old and stodgy and lethargic through this process alone. That’s a really bad way for a business to go down. Hiring the best and most dedicated professionals, and nurturing them, is a start. Employee drug testing is one of the best ways to hold on to your competitive position. We carry breathalyser devices and drug test equipment for companies throughout Australia. We want your staff fit for duty just as much as you do. We have seen the consequences if they are not.

That is why we provide high quality urine drug tests, and even offer breathalyzer recalibration service for any equipment which you may currently be using. Alcohol test provided by onsite drug testing is a perfect way to check up on anyone who is trying to get away with a little too much. This is, after all, a workplace environment. If someone cannot be a professional, then perhaps they should not be working at your place of business. Drug testing Australia is easier than ever now, thanks to CMM Technology and our special Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6. And, if you are looking for something else, we’re sure to have it ready and waiting to ship to you at any time.

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