have all known, or at least seen, the individuals who from middle age
and onward must drag an oxygen tank behind them wherever they go.
This is because their lungs are so deteriorated from smoking that
they are unable to pull in and process as much oxygen as everyone
else’s lungs.
other words, they cannot physically function without the oxygen that
they are dragging around behind them. Of course, all of this started
with either cigarettes or drug abuse, but drug abuse is just as
likely to cause cancer in the lungs as some of the tar found in some
cigarettes. In addition to that, drug abuse has been linked to
respiratory problems, as has severe and chronic alcoholism.
obviously anyone who is dragging an oxygen tank behind them is not
very marketable and does not appear very competent in the workplace.
Naturally, you would wish your employees to be a little more
developed than that. Try out our drug test equipment for your
employee drug testing. Alcohol test and drug testing
is part of keeping your other, non-abusing employees safe. In fact,
screening tests are really the only way to ensure that employees are
following company policy concerning drug testing, since verbal
confirmation cannot be entirely, or scientifically, trusted.
we here at
are not prejudiced against anyone with a disability. It is, however,
recommended that the oxygen tank draggers should be closely examined
for employment, since a history of compulsive self sabotage has
already been established and is openly available for the public to
see. That is another thing about employees who exhibit lack of self
control from their younger years. Their credibility is ruined with
professional clientele.
parts of your business must be kept well maintained and intact. There
must be set standards, and your employees, who work for you, must
maintain those standards within and among themselves.
the amount of help which is available for recovering addicts,
including but not limited to employee assistance programs set up
within companies, there really is no excuse for allowing abusive
behavior to enter your own workplace. Call CMM Technology today for
more information: (+61) 1300 79 70 30.
This article has been taken from http://cmm.com.au/articles/?p=3293
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