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Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Tenacity and Its Rewards

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
Tenacity is a strong characteristic to possess. It is also a strong lack to have if you don’t have any of it.

Tenacity comprises strength, stubbornness, persistence, and foresightedness. When someone is tenacious, they don’t give up. They find a way to get the job done, no matter what. They try and persist and experiment and innovate, but they get the job done, no matter what. Engineers are often tenacious. So are thieves, military personnel, and celebrated research scientists. Tenacity is necessary for any job, but some jobs just require a lot more of it than others. There must be creativity, flow, and the ability to think outside of the box.

Many people do not understand tenacity, but admire people who have it. Tenacious individuals seem like they are fighters and go-getters, and the public respects them in every way. I have large income and many layers of monetary security. Tenacity helps build empires, protect treasuries, and reinforce foundations of government.

The reward for tenacity is that you always get what you are looking to acquire or accomplish. Tenacity does not recognize failure, but only delay. Therefore, the rewards include success, every single time. Does that sound too good to be true? It is in the definition of tenacity. It is what it means. It means success. It means unbroken success.

Workers in the business marketplace must possess a certain amount of tenacity, either naturally or through training. The only way to possess and keep this trait, though, is to exercise mental clarity and sharpness at all times. This excludes alcohol and drugs. Hence, you will need to use screening tests in an employee drug testing program. You will need to make use of equipment like our Lifeloc FC10 breathalyser device, or our Alere DDS2 (with reader) saliva drug test. The main thing is to have high quality equipment and to implement it on a regular basis. If you take care of that, then you are set for any contingencies which may arise. In addition to that, your company will decrease its legal liability for injuries which may occur on the jobsite, by removing those who are abusing substances.

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