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Friday, 5 September 2014

Tendencies to Trip

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
Are you prone to accidents? Do you have a tendency to trip, over your tongue, over your feet, over yourself in general? And, when the pressure is on and you are expected to pull through successfully, do you have a tendency to freeze up or run scared?

Tendencies to trip are actually the result of a mental habit loop which is running over and over within your mind. If you have no other way to define it, your tendency to trip is the result of bad mental habits.

Bad mental habits occur when you think something in a defensive, derelict, or depressed way, and then form the loop of occurrences which trigger this event. For example, you may be in the habit of thinking that once one thing is fixed, something else will go wrong. By forming this mental habit loop, you are placing yourself in real jeopardy, but your mind doesn’t like lying to itself, and so you will naturally tend to do things which will sabotage your future success.

The solution to the above problem is to form a new mental habit loop. Say to yourself, over and over, that good and successful things are happening to you, that everything always works out alright in the end, and that you have a peaceful, enjoyable life which is always filled with good things and rich blessings. By forming this mental habit loop, you will both consciously and subconsciously make choices which are more likely to bring those results about.

Again, your mind doesn’t like lying to itself. Eventually, it will do what it takes to make those statements true of you.

CMM Technology is here to make your business habit loops come true, too. You see, when your business is in the habit of only retaining highly qualified and professional employees, then it will naturally be drawn toward employee drug testing, which gives you further information about the workings of your employees. We provide you with the drug test kits, oral fluid drug tests and saliva drug test, as well as the alcohol test, like our Lifeloc FC10, so that you can have what you need when you need it.

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