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Thursday, 20 March 2014

Respect You, Respect Them

Saliva Drug Test
Saliva Drug Test
Many new business owners fall prey to the “head honcho” curse. This is where they work hard for many years to get where they are and, as soon as they are the top guy, they feel that they have nothing else to do and end up seeking to cover their stress with drugs or alcohol.
Obviously, it pays to have some sort of job available to you. It pays to understand that, once you are on top, you can still be just as productive, if not more so, than you were when you were busy pushing your way to the top.
This is one of those cases where idle hands are easily corrupted. Productive energy is extremely valuable to businesses, to charities, to leadership, to speaking audiences, and so on. There are many activities you can engage in which will strengthen you, which will filter down and strengthen your employees, too.
Drug test equipment is available for anyone who wishes to install employee drug testing in their workplace. You see, employee drug testing is part of a wide effort to identify problems before they affect the professionalism and efficacy of a business. When you use our screening tests, you are identifying problems as they arise, not just when they have been problems for many weeks, leading to physical injury, death, loss of a client, or loss of company assets.
We recommend our Rapid STAT saliva drug test. It is popular with businesses in Australia which order from us. CMM Technology is devoted to providing the finest in drug testing in Western Australia. Our products are safe, reliable, and accurate. Our breathalyser recalibration service has been accredited by NATA, and we feel confident that we can deliver a wholesome experience to your business. In fact, many businesses in Australia use our services and our products. You don’t want to be left behind, do you? We’re just kidding, of course.
We take your business very seriously and we know that when you respect yourself, you respect your employees. It is also true that when you respect your employees, you respect the business you built, in return.
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